Friday, August 10, 2012

7 Quick Takes Feast of St. Lawrence

--- 1 ---

No, I haven't quit blogging.  I've just been a hot mess of grief, anxiety, and stress.  My sister passed out of this life of suffering onto bigger and brighter things on July 17th.  I refuse to make a quick take about the profundity of her life so I'm making this one about the mundanity of mine.

Six hours in the dentist chair this week and counting.  Is it a filling?  Is it a crown?  Nope, I think it's going to be...a root canal.  My advice to everyone with teeth:  Never chew ice.

--- 2 ---

I have been away from my desk/laptop/home for approximately one month.  I returned home to post-power-outage-fuse-blown-freezer-refrigerator clean out on Sunday.  It is now Friday and I have yet to visit a grocery store.  We are living on the fancy cheeses and smoked sausages I brought home, and fast food.  And the grapes I bought at Wal Mart when we got school supplies.  And the delicious lasagna that a friend dropped off.  I have the best friends.

What?  You would have gotten groceries before you bought school supplies?  We must have different values.

--- 3 ---

Though we are without food, I also found the time to get school shoes, gym shoes and golf shoes for everyone in need at this address, in addition to this:

Because sometimes all the hand soaps need an upgrade.  My mom has these cool little sleeves on her soaps.
I'm going to use up all the anti-bacterial soap that I had to buy to get the right size bottle to fit inside, and then I'm going to make my own foaming hand soap like that thing I pinned on pinterest said.

I'm 100% certain that last sentence is grammatically just fine.

--- 4 ---

I believe in miracles.


And I like this cheesy song by Hot Chocolate. sexy thing.

--- 5 ---

Baby J is obsessed with shoes.  Shoes and balls.  Don't take her to Dick's Sporting Goods.

"Shoes! Balls! Shoes!"

--- 6 ---

Edmund, Lucy, and Baby J.  Note the shoes.  Yes, Edmund is ripped.  Yes, he is only 9.
Peter's got abs too.  Three days ago, he was the exact same height as me.  That means today he is taller than me.

Lucy, Susan, my littlest sister, and a cousin:  four beach babes.

--- 7 ---

Thanks to Susan for a: remembering to bring a camera, b: taking pictures, and c: uploading them to fb so I could use them here.

 I'm sorry we started off these quick takes so cranky. 
 Have a butter day.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Sorry to hear about your sister; nice to "meet" you though!

  2. I've been thinking about you. I read both The Roar and the follow up - The Whisper. LOVED them both.

    Prayers and Hugs for you. Good to see you back.

    I'm glad you survived the fridge clean out - that's so horrible I would have considered duct taping it shut, having it hauled away, and just getting a new one!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your sister and I wish I had the right words to communicate this.

    My three year old's fascination is doors, drawers, and cabinets so I can understand Baby J at Dick's Sporting Goods.

  4. I am so very sorry to hear about your sister. May her Memory be Eternal.

  5. I'm sad and sorry to hear about your sister. May you be blessed with peace that passes all understanding, if not now then prayerfully soon. I've been thinking about you and praying for your family for several weeks now, but just now checked back on your blog. I'll continue to pray as you come to mind. <3


Friday, August 10, 2012

7 Quick Takes Feast of St. Lawrence

--- 1 ---

No, I haven't quit blogging.  I've just been a hot mess of grief, anxiety, and stress.  My sister passed out of this life of suffering onto bigger and brighter things on July 17th.  I refuse to make a quick take about the profundity of her life so I'm making this one about the mundanity of mine.

Six hours in the dentist chair this week and counting.  Is it a filling?  Is it a crown?  Nope, I think it's going to be...a root canal.  My advice to everyone with teeth:  Never chew ice.

--- 2 ---

I have been away from my desk/laptop/home for approximately one month.  I returned home to post-power-outage-fuse-blown-freezer-refrigerator clean out on Sunday.  It is now Friday and I have yet to visit a grocery store.  We are living on the fancy cheeses and smoked sausages I brought home, and fast food.  And the grapes I bought at Wal Mart when we got school supplies.  And the delicious lasagna that a friend dropped off.  I have the best friends.

What?  You would have gotten groceries before you bought school supplies?  We must have different values.

--- 3 ---

Though we are without food, I also found the time to get school shoes, gym shoes and golf shoes for everyone in need at this address, in addition to this:

Because sometimes all the hand soaps need an upgrade.  My mom has these cool little sleeves on her soaps.
I'm going to use up all the anti-bacterial soap that I had to buy to get the right size bottle to fit inside, and then I'm going to make my own foaming hand soap like that thing I pinned on pinterest said.

I'm 100% certain that last sentence is grammatically just fine.

--- 4 ---

I believe in miracles.


And I like this cheesy song by Hot Chocolate. sexy thing.

--- 5 ---

Baby J is obsessed with shoes.  Shoes and balls.  Don't take her to Dick's Sporting Goods.

"Shoes! Balls! Shoes!"

--- 6 ---

Edmund, Lucy, and Baby J.  Note the shoes.  Yes, Edmund is ripped.  Yes, he is only 9.
Peter's got abs too.  Three days ago, he was the exact same height as me.  That means today he is taller than me.

Lucy, Susan, my littlest sister, and a cousin:  four beach babes.

--- 7 ---

Thanks to Susan for a: remembering to bring a camera, b: taking pictures, and c: uploading them to fb so I could use them here.

 I'm sorry we started off these quick takes so cranky. 
 Have a butter day.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Sorry to hear about your sister; nice to "meet" you though!

  2. I've been thinking about you. I read both The Roar and the follow up - The Whisper. LOVED them both.

    Prayers and Hugs for you. Good to see you back.

    I'm glad you survived the fridge clean out - that's so horrible I would have considered duct taping it shut, having it hauled away, and just getting a new one!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your sister and I wish I had the right words to communicate this.

    My three year old's fascination is doors, drawers, and cabinets so I can understand Baby J at Dick's Sporting Goods.

  4. I am so very sorry to hear about your sister. May her Memory be Eternal.

  5. I'm sad and sorry to hear about your sister. May you be blessed with peace that passes all understanding, if not now then prayerfully soon. I've been thinking about you and praying for your family for several weeks now, but just now checked back on your blog. I'll continue to pray as you come to mind. <3
