Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jesse Tree Ornament Swap!!!

I want a Jesse Tree, but I don't want to make 28 different handcrafted ornaments and I don't like the look of those paper print out kind.

So, I was poking around Pinterest and found this article.  This blogger at the Mac and Cheese Chronicles organized a Jesse Tree Ornament Swap.  I just need 27 other people nuts enough to agree to make 28 of one of the symbols/ornaments.  Then you mail me all 28 completed works of art, plus $6-$9 return postage.  I will sort and ship 27 complete sets of Jesse Tree ornaments.   

Yes, she invited her peeps in mid-October, but you all would procrastinate until now anyway.  If you want to play, I will need all of your completed symbols on November 28th, then I can ship them out and hopefully everyone will get their set by November 30th.  That gives you 2 weeks!  Think of Bob the Builder!  You can do it!

I'm getting my symbols from The Jesse Tree:  A Family Craft for Advent by Catherine Fournier that I bought on Amazon.  I know experts CANNOT agree on what symbols go on the Jesse Tree so I went with the verses and symbols in this book, mostly.  I have given a couple of options for the tougher ones.

I've googled and looked up Bible verses and given myself a headache and Baby J four cookies and this is what I've got.  In parentheses are ideas for the symbol.  Choose one, or read the verse and come up with your own.

Please note, we have the potential to have several sheep, candles, stars and doves.  There was another symbol and verse for shepherds, but we already have 28 right here, and a couple of lamb images already.

1. Jesse Tree or Stump 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Amanda

2.  Adam (sun or earth) Genesis 1:24-28 Karen

3.  Eve (Apple and Snake) Genesis 3: 1-24 Blair

4.  Noah (ark or rainbow) Genesis 6:11-22, 8:6-12  Elizabeth C.

5.  Abraham and Sarah (tent) Genesis 12:1-7, 13:2-18  Ingrid

6. Isaac and Rebecca (ram or lamb or silver pitcher or bundle of wood or altar) Genesis 22:1-14  Mary

7.  Jacob and Rachel (ladder) Genesis 27:41 and 28:22  Cal Fan

8.  Prophecy of Isaiah (one of these names: "And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace", or  throne of David) Isaiah 9:2-7  Jessica

9.  Joseph (many colored coat) Genesis 37:1-36  Anne H.

10.  Moses (tablets of commandments or burning bush or baby in basket) Exodus 20:1-17  Emily B.

11.  Aaron  (rod and serpent or blessing hand) Numbers 6:22-27 Cassandra

12.  Samuel (lamp) 1 Samuel 3: 1-21  E. Simmons

13.  David (harp or slingshot) 1 Samuel 16:14-23  Mary Kate D.

14.  Psalm 23:  Good Shepherd (shepherd's crook)  Kerri

15.  Solomon (crown) 1 Kings 3:3-28  Kris M.

16.  Elijah (raven or manna or chariot of fire) 1 Kings 17:1-16 Or choose Joshua or Ruth, but give me a chapter and verse for the handout.  Lena - Ruth

17.  Elisha (dove) 2 Kings 5: 1-27  Or choose Judith or Jonah, but give me a chapter and verse for the handout. taken by So Many Things to Love

18.  Isaiah (scroll, live coal and tongs, anvil and sword, sword and plowshare) Isaiah 6:1-8  Lisa G.

19.  Jeremiah (book of law) Jeremiah 31:31-34 or choose Samson or Daniel, but give me a Bible chapter and verse for the handout.  Angi?

20.  Nehemiah  (city of Jerusalem or brick wall) Nehemiah 13:10-22 Michelle

21.  Angel Hebrews1:1-14  Cheryl C.

22.  Zechariah (ark of covenant, or tablet and pencil or chalk, or thurible of incense) Luke 1:5-25 Angela

23.  Mary (heart or lily or any Mary image or symbol) Luke 1:26-38 Dwija

24.  Elizabeth (mother and child or visitation scene) Luke 1: 39-56 Charlotte

25.  John the Baptist (scallop shell with water, river)Luke 1:57-80 Cari D.

26.  Joseph (tools) Matthew 1: 18-2:1  Josee

27. Magi (three crowns, camels, or Bethlehem star)Matthew2:1-12 Rose D.

28. Baby Jesus (or Chi Ro) Luke 2:1-20 Kathy A.

29.  Samson  Kelly C.

30.  Joshua  Becky

31.  Judith or Jonah Lauren

32.  Daniel  Lenetta   

Comment or email me if you'd like to join the partay.  You know you want to.


  1. OH MY GOSH, YOU HAD ME AT "but you all would procrastinate until now anyway".
    Sign me up.
    I want John Baptist. He's my man.

    1. I'm thinking locusts and honey, but go with your gut.

    2. I KNEW I'd been saving all those cicada shells for something...

    3. I am too slow, as per usual. The reward for best procrastinator of the year will be MINE!

  2. I'm game. I sent you like 14 rambling emails. We'll take Elizabeth.

  3. I wanna play but I suck at crafts that aren't sewing! What to do, what to do....

    1. I saw some ideas that were felt creations, sewed together.

    2. Oh! Or you could pick no. 17, and sew this, but in whites and beiges:

      Like how I'm finding you all these elaborate ornament ideas?

  4. Did you click on the samples? Lots of sewing possibilities, especially applique, or felt.
    Or what about those melty bead rainbows?

  5. Hi! Isabel told me about this swap, and I'd love to claim Moses (#10) if he's still available. What a neat idea!!!

  6. Okay! I'm in. I want #23 "Any Mary image". That gives us looooooooots of options :)

    1. So what are you thinking? Tower of Ivory? House of Gold? Ark of the Covenant? Vessel of Honor? Mystical Rose? Spiritual Vessel? Morning Star? Need I go on?

    2. I shall makest 28 different ornaments all in her honor!

  7. Ok, I am in too! Assign me whichever one you want/nobody else wants

    1. I like how I take the one that's easiest for me while Amanda's willing to take whichever will help out the most. I'm so selfless...

    2. Maybe Amanda struggles with decisiveness. We all have our crosses. ;) Okay, Amanda, starting at the top, I see no one has picked #1, tree of David, root of Jesse, what have you. It's yours.

  8. We'll (my girls and myself) take #16. We will make an ornament to symbolize Ruth - God's provision. (Ruth gleaned barley from Boaz's fields to provide for herself and her mother-in-law, Naomi. God also provided for them both when Boaz married Ruth and they had a son.) I will send you the coordinating scripture verse once you confirm that Ruth is an acceptable option.

    1. Yay, Ruth! I love Ruth! I had Ruth read at my wedding. Say that five times fast. My grandmother's name is Ruth, and though we love that name, our last name is Thornton. Say "Ruth Thornton" five times fast.

  9. I would like to get in on this. If I could, I would like #4, Noah. Thank you for organizing this.

    1. No prob! So glad I won't have to make all of these!

    2. Great, looking forward to this.

  10. Saw this on Charlotte's blog; I'd love to join! We'd like to take #3, Apple.

    1. Also, does it matter what kind of material it's made of? We were going to do wooden apples.

    2. Wooden apples would be great. Construction and representation are completely up to the artist. Thanks!

  11. Bopping over from Charlotte's blog.

    oh yeah! I want in - please

    Can I have #2 Adam?

    Also, any size restrictions? material restrictions? Add hangers? Just want to make sure I do the right thing.

    Thanks so much for procrastinating!


    1. You know, smallish ornament size. Not too big. No material restrictions, okay fine, no live insects, animals, plants or produce. No food. Because I will eat it. Make sure there's a way to attach a hook or ribbon or thread. Some people are hookers and some are stringers. Good questions.

      Thanks for joining!

    2. Some people are hookers? Like who?

    3. I'm a hooker, we use those metal bendy hooks on our trees. My mom's a stringer, with ribbon actually.

  12. Oh man, I'm crazy for doing this, but yes...okay, count me in. I blame Cari.

  13. Replies
    1. You have Elisha. Would you mind sending me an email with your name? I'm putting together a contact list of the participants. housewifespice*at*comcast*dot*net

  14. Oooh! Fun! I'd love to craft along :) What's left to pick from? Maybe Abraham and Sarah, the tent. Is it alright that I'm shipping from Canada?

    1. Oh sorry Josee! Ingrid emailed me while I was out and I didn't update quick enough. Would you mind picking another? The Chef says, "I don't think shipping from Canada is that bad." So you're good!

  15. YES!!!! I'm so excited you're doing this! I tried to see if there was interest among my friends last year and they were all like "ehhh." So foo on them. I'm doing it with you. How about I take Isaac and Rebecca? Thank you!

  16. I'd love to join. I will do anything. Just assign me something. Thanks!

    1. Great! You have Jacob and Rachel. Ladder or whatever symbol you find for them.

    2. Could you shoot me an email? I can't access any contact info for you in Blogger and I'm putting together a contact list for the participants. housewifespice*at*comcast*dot*net Thanks!

  17. Just a quick idea that a friend suggested since these can sometimes be so overwhelming to complete. Everyone seems motivated for this particular exchange, but maybe there are others who can't do it this year or need an easier option.

    Anyway, the idea is that it becomes a Jesse Tree ornament "craft" exchange, so you just put together the materials for each item (like for the dove: the felt, embroidery floss, button, and maybe a printed paper with directions). So the supplies for each ornament are in a ziploc bag, and then the family/children have a fun craft/ornament to make each day!

    Thanks for putting this one together, my girls are excited!

    1. I think that's a great idea! I'm going to do a recap tomorrow and I'll add your idea. Might be good to have a plan B for time constraint purposes.

  18. I would like to join to. Please assign me something!

    1. I went down the list and next available is Aaron. My book shows a hand in blessing, but online research shows a rod and serpent works too. Thanks for playing.

  19. I'm a friend of Emily's and know Isabel. I'd love to join. I'll take Samuel.

    1. Thank you friend of Emily's! We are almost there!

  20. I would love to participate. I will take Psalm 23 - the Good Shepherd. Thank you for organizing!

    1. Sure thing. Would you please shoot me an email? I'm putting together a contact list of the participants. housewifespice*at*comcast*dot*net

  21. Arrived here via Charlotte. So awesome that you are doing this! I was apart of the '07 swap (Passover-- door with blood), and let me tell you that pulling it out every year is still one of our family's most cherished activities we do during Advent.

  22. May I join in? I'm thinking #22. Zechariah, but will take something else if that is taken.

  23. I'll do 22. Zechariah. Thanks- I'm so excited to see how they all turn out!

    1. Looks like I was a second too late. Just give me whatever is left. Thanks!

    2. How kind! Michelle gave you Zechariah! Enjoy!

  24. Give Megan #22 Zechariah.
    We'll do #20. Nehemiah =)
    We're looking forward to this!
    Thanks for hosting.

    1. Very kind of you. You get Nehemiah. I was thinking about that one. Lots of potential.

  25. I'd love to do this, but it looks like they all may be taken?? Sorry, I was trying to go back and forth between comments and the post. If there are any spots available please let me know!! This is such a great idea! ashields at onlinenw dot com

    Angi :)

    1. Angi, if you want you can have Jeremiah. I sent you an email. Let me know.

    2. Jeremiah would be fine!!! Thank you!!

      Angi :)

  26. I would love to join. Is there still room? Beckyemerson at gmail dot com

  27. Replies
    1. If Angi doesn't take Jeremiah, you can. But I gave her first dibs. Sorry. I am putting a short list of waiting list people together in case someone must drop out. May I count on you for that?

    2. On second thought, I'm upping the ante to 32 ornaments. Would you like Joshua? I'm thinking a horn, but I'll need the Bible verses.

    3. Yes I can do whatever you need

  28. I LOVE THIS! Can I do number 14 the good shepard's crook? Thanks!


    1. Oh Lauren, I'm so sorry but it appears that they have all been claimed. Like I said above, I am putting a waiting list together in case anyone has to drop out. May I add your name?

    2. You can put my name, but if I don't hear by early next week, I'm going to start making all my own, like shower of roses posted yesterday! If you get enough for another or need me...let me know!

    3. Okay, I'm upping the number to 32 ornaments each. Would you like Judith? Sword? I need a Bible verse too. Let me know what you think.

    4. I think I'd like the sword....what is the bible verse w/ it so I have a better idea. Is it the Judith verse?

    5. Ok - I'll definitely do the sword - I found out it is Judith. How do I get your address to send them to? And is the final number 32? Thanks so much!!

  29. Add me to the waiting list too, please! Or maybe you'll get enough to do another? (or maybe just maybe i could help you coordinate another group? The 5 week old is a surprisingly good baby...) :)

    1. How would you like to make 32 Daniel ornaments? Let me know!

    2. Thank you so much for letting me in! Go figure, I'm spending a week at my parents' and didn't pack my craft stash. :) it gave me a chance to support the local little fabric shop though. I have the lion planned in my head and will get to work on them asap. This is going to be awesome!!

  30. I would recommend suggesting a similar dimensions and weight for the ornament exchange. When Lori did her exchange, it was very difficult for shipping, because they were all sizes, and some were super heavy.

    1. Thanks. I'll see what I can do. I ordered my parts online last night and have no idea what each will weigh.

  31. it looks like all are this right?

  32. If there is a waiting list... please put me on the list. I'm already making some new felt ornaments for the Jesse Tree, so what's a few more LOL...

    I hope to see some picture of the creativity that comes from this.

    God bless!

  33. I'm up for the waiting list add-on. I read this yesterday from Cari, then came back today to sign up, clearly a day late and a dollar short!

  34. Jessica, I have a question ...
    I finished my ornaments last night and want to drop them off today. (Quite a shocker for me, since I am usually the one pulling an "all nighter" the night before they are due.) Should I assume if we live nearby and will be dropping off and picking up our packages, we can skip the shipping charge?

    1. Impressive. Yes, you don't need to pay for shipping. I hope you read yesterday's post about making 32 instead of 28. Also, I hope you can come help me sort 32 times 32 ornaments for shipping when the time comes. I will have cookies!

    2. Yes, I did make 32. And yes, I will work for cookies.

  35. If there is still time to join , I would love any needed .
    My intial preference would be #21, #23, or#28.

  36. If there is still time to join , I would love any needed .
    My intial preference would be #21, #23, or#28.

    1. Sorry Colleen! There was so much interest I have a waiting list. Someone should do this next year, because I found more than enough folks who wanted to participate.

    2. Ok, Colleen, I had another drop out today. Zechariah is up for grabs. Please email me for more details.

  37. Hi. I know it is late but I wondered if you had anyone not do theirs so I could do it. I can get them to you by Friday if so.


  38. I feel like you're so close to 100 comments on this post that I ought to help it along. My good deed for the day or something.

  39. What happens at 100? Do I win a prize? Does it matter that most of the comments are mine?


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jesse Tree Ornament Swap!!!

I want a Jesse Tree, but I don't want to make 28 different handcrafted ornaments and I don't like the look of those paper print out kind.

So, I was poking around Pinterest and found this article.  This blogger at the Mac and Cheese Chronicles organized a Jesse Tree Ornament Swap.  I just need 27 other people nuts enough to agree to make 28 of one of the symbols/ornaments.  Then you mail me all 28 completed works of art, plus $6-$9 return postage.  I will sort and ship 27 complete sets of Jesse Tree ornaments.   

Yes, she invited her peeps in mid-October, but you all would procrastinate until now anyway.  If you want to play, I will need all of your completed symbols on November 28th, then I can ship them out and hopefully everyone will get their set by November 30th.  That gives you 2 weeks!  Think of Bob the Builder!  You can do it!

I'm getting my symbols from The Jesse Tree:  A Family Craft for Advent by Catherine Fournier that I bought on Amazon.  I know experts CANNOT agree on what symbols go on the Jesse Tree so I went with the verses and symbols in this book, mostly.  I have given a couple of options for the tougher ones.

I've googled and looked up Bible verses and given myself a headache and Baby J four cookies and this is what I've got.  In parentheses are ideas for the symbol.  Choose one, or read the verse and come up with your own.

Please note, we have the potential to have several sheep, candles, stars and doves.  There was another symbol and verse for shepherds, but we already have 28 right here, and a couple of lamb images already.

1. Jesse Tree or Stump 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Amanda

2.  Adam (sun or earth) Genesis 1:24-28 Karen

3.  Eve (Apple and Snake) Genesis 3: 1-24 Blair

4.  Noah (ark or rainbow) Genesis 6:11-22, 8:6-12  Elizabeth C.

5.  Abraham and Sarah (tent) Genesis 12:1-7, 13:2-18  Ingrid

6. Isaac and Rebecca (ram or lamb or silver pitcher or bundle of wood or altar) Genesis 22:1-14  Mary

7.  Jacob and Rachel (ladder) Genesis 27:41 and 28:22  Cal Fan

8.  Prophecy of Isaiah (one of these names: "And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace", or  throne of David) Isaiah 9:2-7  Jessica

9.  Joseph (many colored coat) Genesis 37:1-36  Anne H.

10.  Moses (tablets of commandments or burning bush or baby in basket) Exodus 20:1-17  Emily B.

11.  Aaron  (rod and serpent or blessing hand) Numbers 6:22-27 Cassandra

12.  Samuel (lamp) 1 Samuel 3: 1-21  E. Simmons

13.  David (harp or slingshot) 1 Samuel 16:14-23  Mary Kate D.

14.  Psalm 23:  Good Shepherd (shepherd's crook)  Kerri

15.  Solomon (crown) 1 Kings 3:3-28  Kris M.

16.  Elijah (raven or manna or chariot of fire) 1 Kings 17:1-16 Or choose Joshua or Ruth, but give me a chapter and verse for the handout.  Lena - Ruth

17.  Elisha (dove) 2 Kings 5: 1-27  Or choose Judith or Jonah, but give me a chapter and verse for the handout. taken by So Many Things to Love

18.  Isaiah (scroll, live coal and tongs, anvil and sword, sword and plowshare) Isaiah 6:1-8  Lisa G.

19.  Jeremiah (book of law) Jeremiah 31:31-34 or choose Samson or Daniel, but give me a Bible chapter and verse for the handout.  Angi?

20.  Nehemiah  (city of Jerusalem or brick wall) Nehemiah 13:10-22 Michelle

21.  Angel Hebrews1:1-14  Cheryl C.

22.  Zechariah (ark of covenant, or tablet and pencil or chalk, or thurible of incense) Luke 1:5-25 Angela

23.  Mary (heart or lily or any Mary image or symbol) Luke 1:26-38 Dwija

24.  Elizabeth (mother and child or visitation scene) Luke 1: 39-56 Charlotte

25.  John the Baptist (scallop shell with water, river)Luke 1:57-80 Cari D.

26.  Joseph (tools) Matthew 1: 18-2:1  Josee

27. Magi (three crowns, camels, or Bethlehem star)Matthew2:1-12 Rose D.

28. Baby Jesus (or Chi Ro) Luke 2:1-20 Kathy A.

29.  Samson  Kelly C.

30.  Joshua  Becky

31.  Judith or Jonah Lauren

32.  Daniel  Lenetta   

Comment or email me if you'd like to join the partay.  You know you want to.


  1. OH MY GOSH, YOU HAD ME AT "but you all would procrastinate until now anyway".
    Sign me up.
    I want John Baptist. He's my man.

    1. I'm thinking locusts and honey, but go with your gut.

    2. I KNEW I'd been saving all those cicada shells for something...

    3. I am too slow, as per usual. The reward for best procrastinator of the year will be MINE!

  2. I'm game. I sent you like 14 rambling emails. We'll take Elizabeth.

  3. I wanna play but I suck at crafts that aren't sewing! What to do, what to do....

    1. I saw some ideas that were felt creations, sewed together.

    2. Oh! Or you could pick no. 17, and sew this, but in whites and beiges:

      Like how I'm finding you all these elaborate ornament ideas?

  4. Did you click on the samples? Lots of sewing possibilities, especially applique, or felt.
    Or what about those melty bead rainbows?

  5. Hi! Isabel told me about this swap, and I'd love to claim Moses (#10) if he's still available. What a neat idea!!!

  6. Okay! I'm in. I want #23 "Any Mary image". That gives us looooooooots of options :)

    1. So what are you thinking? Tower of Ivory? House of Gold? Ark of the Covenant? Vessel of Honor? Mystical Rose? Spiritual Vessel? Morning Star? Need I go on?

    2. I shall makest 28 different ornaments all in her honor!

  7. Ok, I am in too! Assign me whichever one you want/nobody else wants

    1. I like how I take the one that's easiest for me while Amanda's willing to take whichever will help out the most. I'm so selfless...

    2. Maybe Amanda struggles with decisiveness. We all have our crosses. ;) Okay, Amanda, starting at the top, I see no one has picked #1, tree of David, root of Jesse, what have you. It's yours.

  8. We'll (my girls and myself) take #16. We will make an ornament to symbolize Ruth - God's provision. (Ruth gleaned barley from Boaz's fields to provide for herself and her mother-in-law, Naomi. God also provided for them both when Boaz married Ruth and they had a son.) I will send you the coordinating scripture verse once you confirm that Ruth is an acceptable option.

    1. Yay, Ruth! I love Ruth! I had Ruth read at my wedding. Say that five times fast. My grandmother's name is Ruth, and though we love that name, our last name is Thornton. Say "Ruth Thornton" five times fast.

  9. I would like to get in on this. If I could, I would like #4, Noah. Thank you for organizing this.

    1. No prob! So glad I won't have to make all of these!

    2. Great, looking forward to this.

  10. Saw this on Charlotte's blog; I'd love to join! We'd like to take #3, Apple.

    1. Also, does it matter what kind of material it's made of? We were going to do wooden apples.

    2. Wooden apples would be great. Construction and representation are completely up to the artist. Thanks!

  11. Bopping over from Charlotte's blog.

    oh yeah! I want in - please

    Can I have #2 Adam?

    Also, any size restrictions? material restrictions? Add hangers? Just want to make sure I do the right thing.

    Thanks so much for procrastinating!


    1. You know, smallish ornament size. Not too big. No material restrictions, okay fine, no live insects, animals, plants or produce. No food. Because I will eat it. Make sure there's a way to attach a hook or ribbon or thread. Some people are hookers and some are stringers. Good questions.

      Thanks for joining!

    2. Some people are hookers? Like who?

    3. I'm a hooker, we use those metal bendy hooks on our trees. My mom's a stringer, with ribbon actually.

  12. Oh man, I'm crazy for doing this, but yes...okay, count me in. I blame Cari.

  13. Replies
    1. You have Elisha. Would you mind sending me an email with your name? I'm putting together a contact list of the participants. housewifespice*at*comcast*dot*net

  14. Oooh! Fun! I'd love to craft along :) What's left to pick from? Maybe Abraham and Sarah, the tent. Is it alright that I'm shipping from Canada?

    1. Oh sorry Josee! Ingrid emailed me while I was out and I didn't update quick enough. Would you mind picking another? The Chef says, "I don't think shipping from Canada is that bad." So you're good!

  15. YES!!!! I'm so excited you're doing this! I tried to see if there was interest among my friends last year and they were all like "ehhh." So foo on them. I'm doing it with you. How about I take Isaac and Rebecca? Thank you!

  16. I'd love to join. I will do anything. Just assign me something. Thanks!

    1. Great! You have Jacob and Rachel. Ladder or whatever symbol you find for them.

    2. Could you shoot me an email? I can't access any contact info for you in Blogger and I'm putting together a contact list for the participants. housewifespice*at*comcast*dot*net Thanks!

  17. Just a quick idea that a friend suggested since these can sometimes be so overwhelming to complete. Everyone seems motivated for this particular exchange, but maybe there are others who can't do it this year or need an easier option.

    Anyway, the idea is that it becomes a Jesse Tree ornament "craft" exchange, so you just put together the materials for each item (like for the dove: the felt, embroidery floss, button, and maybe a printed paper with directions). So the supplies for each ornament are in a ziploc bag, and then the family/children have a fun craft/ornament to make each day!

    Thanks for putting this one together, my girls are excited!

    1. I think that's a great idea! I'm going to do a recap tomorrow and I'll add your idea. Might be good to have a plan B for time constraint purposes.

  18. I would like to join to. Please assign me something!

    1. I went down the list and next available is Aaron. My book shows a hand in blessing, but online research shows a rod and serpent works too. Thanks for playing.

  19. I'm a friend of Emily's and know Isabel. I'd love to join. I'll take Samuel.

    1. Thank you friend of Emily's! We are almost there!

  20. I would love to participate. I will take Psalm 23 - the Good Shepherd. Thank you for organizing!

    1. Sure thing. Would you please shoot me an email? I'm putting together a contact list of the participants. housewifespice*at*comcast*dot*net

  21. Arrived here via Charlotte. So awesome that you are doing this! I was apart of the '07 swap (Passover-- door with blood), and let me tell you that pulling it out every year is still one of our family's most cherished activities we do during Advent.

  22. May I join in? I'm thinking #22. Zechariah, but will take something else if that is taken.

  23. I'll do 22. Zechariah. Thanks- I'm so excited to see how they all turn out!

    1. Looks like I was a second too late. Just give me whatever is left. Thanks!

    2. How kind! Michelle gave you Zechariah! Enjoy!

  24. Give Megan #22 Zechariah.
    We'll do #20. Nehemiah =)
    We're looking forward to this!
    Thanks for hosting.

    1. Very kind of you. You get Nehemiah. I was thinking about that one. Lots of potential.

  25. I'd love to do this, but it looks like they all may be taken?? Sorry, I was trying to go back and forth between comments and the post. If there are any spots available please let me know!! This is such a great idea! ashields at onlinenw dot com

    Angi :)

    1. Angi, if you want you can have Jeremiah. I sent you an email. Let me know.

    2. Jeremiah would be fine!!! Thank you!!

      Angi :)

  26. I would love to join. Is there still room? Beckyemerson at gmail dot com

  27. Replies
    1. If Angi doesn't take Jeremiah, you can. But I gave her first dibs. Sorry. I am putting a short list of waiting list people together in case someone must drop out. May I count on you for that?

    2. On second thought, I'm upping the ante to 32 ornaments. Would you like Joshua? I'm thinking a horn, but I'll need the Bible verses.

    3. Yes I can do whatever you need

  28. I LOVE THIS! Can I do number 14 the good shepard's crook? Thanks!


    1. Oh Lauren, I'm so sorry but it appears that they have all been claimed. Like I said above, I am putting a waiting list together in case anyone has to drop out. May I add your name?

    2. You can put my name, but if I don't hear by early next week, I'm going to start making all my own, like shower of roses posted yesterday! If you get enough for another or need me...let me know!

    3. Okay, I'm upping the number to 32 ornaments each. Would you like Judith? Sword? I need a Bible verse too. Let me know what you think.

    4. I think I'd like the sword....what is the bible verse w/ it so I have a better idea. Is it the Judith verse?

    5. Ok - I'll definitely do the sword - I found out it is Judith. How do I get your address to send them to? And is the final number 32? Thanks so much!!

  29. Add me to the waiting list too, please! Or maybe you'll get enough to do another? (or maybe just maybe i could help you coordinate another group? The 5 week old is a surprisingly good baby...) :)

    1. How would you like to make 32 Daniel ornaments? Let me know!

    2. Thank you so much for letting me in! Go figure, I'm spending a week at my parents' and didn't pack my craft stash. :) it gave me a chance to support the local little fabric shop though. I have the lion planned in my head and will get to work on them asap. This is going to be awesome!!

  30. I would recommend suggesting a similar dimensions and weight for the ornament exchange. When Lori did her exchange, it was very difficult for shipping, because they were all sizes, and some were super heavy.

    1. Thanks. I'll see what I can do. I ordered my parts online last night and have no idea what each will weigh.

  31. it looks like all are this right?

  32. If there is a waiting list... please put me on the list. I'm already making some new felt ornaments for the Jesse Tree, so what's a few more LOL...

    I hope to see some picture of the creativity that comes from this.

    God bless!

  33. I'm up for the waiting list add-on. I read this yesterday from Cari, then came back today to sign up, clearly a day late and a dollar short!

  34. Jessica, I have a question ...
    I finished my ornaments last night and want to drop them off today. (Quite a shocker for me, since I am usually the one pulling an "all nighter" the night before they are due.) Should I assume if we live nearby and will be dropping off and picking up our packages, we can skip the shipping charge?

    1. Impressive. Yes, you don't need to pay for shipping. I hope you read yesterday's post about making 32 instead of 28. Also, I hope you can come help me sort 32 times 32 ornaments for shipping when the time comes. I will have cookies!

    2. Yes, I did make 32. And yes, I will work for cookies.

  35. If there is still time to join , I would love any needed .
    My intial preference would be #21, #23, or#28.

  36. If there is still time to join , I would love any needed .
    My intial preference would be #21, #23, or#28.

    1. Sorry Colleen! There was so much interest I have a waiting list. Someone should do this next year, because I found more than enough folks who wanted to participate.

    2. Ok, Colleen, I had another drop out today. Zechariah is up for grabs. Please email me for more details.

  37. Hi. I know it is late but I wondered if you had anyone not do theirs so I could do it. I can get them to you by Friday if so.


  38. I feel like you're so close to 100 comments on this post that I ought to help it along. My good deed for the day or something.

  39. What happens at 100? Do I win a prize? Does it matter that most of the comments are mine?
