Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ladies, Start Your Glue Guns!

VERY IMPORTANT CHANGE:  In order to let a few more folks in, Charlotte suggested we make 32 ornaments each.  She participated in the swap five years ago, and a few ornaments broke so it may help to have extras.

DON"T FORGET TO MAKE 32 ORNAMENTS!  Also, this way, if someone drops out, we still have plenty of participants

Some FAQ:

How big?

I'm thinking no larger than 4 inches in any direction.  Jesse Trees are pretty small. 

What about the tree?

My parish grade school had a giant dead branch that someone potted.  Potted dead branches are fine.  Or small Christmas trees, real or artificial.  Or if you have amazing wood working skills or know someone who does, you could make one of these.

My friend is sending me her directions for this and I will add them when I get them.

What about hangers?

Let's string these ornaments for hanging.  After this craftastic event, I think we'll all appreciate having our ornaments pre-strung.  Also, when I look at the photos from the original Swap, each ornament has a different string, which I like. 

Are there any material restrictions?

Preferably, no food.  Because either I, or a minion, or the dog will eat it.  As much as a John the Baptist snowman out of jumbo marshmallows sounds cute(ish),  someone will eat it.  Even if it is stale.  C'mon, I can't even keep unsweetened chocolate without finding teeth marks in it.  If it even looks like food, someone will eat it.  That's why the salt dough gingerbread heart ornament on my regular tree has a bite out of it.  Salt dough is fine to use though.

Please, be as creative as you want.  Wood, sculpey, felt, cardstock, hand-blown glass.  The original swap ornaments were wonderful in their variety and creativity.

So these are some tips I copied from The Mac and Cheese Chronicles:
  • ornaments should be packaged into one gallon size ziplock bag.  Participants should label their bag with their name and address.  They can use a 2nd bag if needed, but should not put each ornament into its own baggie.
  • ornaments should be wrapped if needed to ensure they arrive safely.
  • set a deadline for you to receive the ornaments by.  Allow yourself at least one week to process, package and mail the boxes out.  Well, I only gave myself a couple of days, so send yours asap!
  • Participants should send ALL of their ornaments.  They should NOT keep their own ornament out.
  • Have everyone include return postage.  This gets a bit tricky.  Most of the time they can just purchase return postage and stick it in the package before it is sealed.  However, some of the ornaments were very light and it was clear that the return postage would be higher.  I would recommend setting a postage amount, $15.45 for the large priority flat rate box.  Hooray for the comments on this post!  Hooray for Flat Rate Shipping!
Here is the assignment list in all of its glory:

 1. Jesse Tree or Stump 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Amanda

2.  Adam (sun or earth) Genesis 1:24-28 Karen

3.  Eve (Apple and Snake) Genesis 3: 1-24 Blair

4.  Noah (ark or rainbow) Genesis 6:11-22, 8:6-12  Elizabeth C.

5.  Abraham and Sarah (tent) Genesis 12:1-7, 13:2-18  Ingrid

6. Isaac and Rebecca (ram or lamb or silver pitcher or bundle of wood or altar) Genesis 22:1-14  Mary

7.  Jacob and Rachel (ladder) Genesis 27:41 and 28:22  Cal Fan

8.  Prophecy of Isaiah (one of these names: "And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace", or  throne of David) Isaiah 9:2-7  Jessica

9.  Joseph (many colored coat) Genesis 37:1-36  Anne H.

10.  Moses (tablets of commandments or burning bush or baby in basket) Exodus 20:1-17  Emily B.

11.  Aaron  (rod and serpent or blessing hand) Numbers 6:22-27 Cassandra
12.  Samuel (lamp) 1 Samuel 3: 1-21  E. Simmons

13.  David (harp or slingshot) 1 Samuel 16:14-23  Mary Kate D.

14.  Psalm 23:  Good Shepherd (shepherd's crook)  Kerri

15.  Solomon (crown) 1 Kings 3:3-28  Kris M.

16.  Elijah (raven or manna or chariot of fire) 1 Kings 17:1-16 Or choose Joshua or Ruth, but give me a chapter and verse for the handout.  Lena - Ruth

17.  Elisha (dove) 2 Kings 5: 1-27  Or choose Judith or Jonah, but give me a chapter and verse for the handout. taken by So Many Things to Love

18.  Isaiah (scroll, live coal and tongs, anvil and sword, sword and plowshare) Isaiah 6:1-8  Lisa G.

19.  Jeremiah (book of law) Jeremiah 31:31-34 or choose Samson or Daniel, but give me a Bible chapter and verse for the handout.  Angi

20.  Nehemiah  (city of Jerusalem or brick wall) Nehemiah 13:10-22 Michelle

21.  Angel Hebrews1:1-14  Cheryl C.

22.  Zechariah (ark of covenant, or tablet and pencil or chalk, or thurible of incense) Luke 1:5-25  Angela

23.  Mary (heart or lily or any Mary image or symbol) Luke 1:26-38 Dwija

24.  Elizabeth (mother and child or visitation scene) Luke 1: 39-56 Charlotte

25.  John the Baptist (scallop shell with water, river)Luke 1:57-80 Cari D.

26.  Joseph (tools) Matthew 1: 18-2:1  Josee

27. Magi (three crowns, camels, or Bethlehem star)Matthew2:1-12 Rose D.

28. Baby Jesus (or Chi Ro) Luke 2:1-20 Kathy A.

29.  Samson  Kelly C.

30.  Joshua  Becky

31.  Judith or Jonah Lauren

32.  Daniel  Lenetta   

And that's the cut off.  32 is the max I can handle.  

If you're not able to participate, stuff happens, just let me know.  

Be forewarned, since we are getting a rather late start, and we have wonderful people from all over (even Canada) shipping handmade goods to me, I will do my darndest to get everything packed up shipped out in time....but if one person is late or the 2 day priority shipping is exorbitant or the USPS gets backed up, your Jesse Tree might arrive a little late.  

Don't make this an excuse though!  Let's all try to get our ornaments done ahead of time.  Now, go forth and make messes!

Many, many thanks!


  1. Thanks! USPS has flat rate Priority boxes that are very easy to use. The medium is $11.35 and the large is $15.45. I don't know if that's too much but the boxes are free at the post office and shipping only takes 2-3 days. Wonder if that would be a good option?? Looking forward to seeing them all!

    1. BRILLIANT! Yes, this is a great idea. I have no idea how big our 32 ornament collections will be, so let's budget for the large box. Brilliant!

  2. I REALLY want to commit to doing this but I cannot CANNOT craft -- nor can I make it to the post office with both kids without dying -- setting myself up for SERIOUS failure.

    I know -- I'm terrible.

    best of luck to all of the participants that will forever reign far supreme to me and my craft nonskillage.

    1. Do you know about the postal services' home pickup option? I had to reply because this is a huge sanity saving event for me. I have 5 kids aged 10-2mnths, so I feel your postal pain! For the last three years, I've been using I pay for my postage online, print it on basic paper, and tape it to the box, then schedule a carrier pickup off my porch. I don't even have to be home! They will deliver a set of free boxes to your house, too. Since I have never lived in the same state as any of our family (since having kids) this is critical to my survival. Good luck and have a blessed, less stressful Advent!

    2. Also BRILLIANT! I was scratching my head, doing the math, if I could get six of my family members to carry 5 boxes each... Yes, I will be using this for the boxes.

  3. Would love to update moms' that Mary made when you guys come for Christmas. It will be fun!


  5. my ornaments are done! all i need now is your address.

  6. oooooooo Samuel - boy in sleeping bag next to lampstand. Excited!!


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ladies, Start Your Glue Guns!

VERY IMPORTANT CHANGE:  In order to let a few more folks in, Charlotte suggested we make 32 ornaments each.  She participated in the swap five years ago, and a few ornaments broke so it may help to have extras.

DON"T FORGET TO MAKE 32 ORNAMENTS!  Also, this way, if someone drops out, we still have plenty of participants

Some FAQ:

How big?

I'm thinking no larger than 4 inches in any direction.  Jesse Trees are pretty small. 

What about the tree?

My parish grade school had a giant dead branch that someone potted.  Potted dead branches are fine.  Or small Christmas trees, real or artificial.  Or if you have amazing wood working skills or know someone who does, you could make one of these.

My friend is sending me her directions for this and I will add them when I get them.

What about hangers?

Let's string these ornaments for hanging.  After this craftastic event, I think we'll all appreciate having our ornaments pre-strung.  Also, when I look at the photos from the original Swap, each ornament has a different string, which I like. 

Are there any material restrictions?

Preferably, no food.  Because either I, or a minion, or the dog will eat it.  As much as a John the Baptist snowman out of jumbo marshmallows sounds cute(ish),  someone will eat it.  Even if it is stale.  C'mon, I can't even keep unsweetened chocolate without finding teeth marks in it.  If it even looks like food, someone will eat it.  That's why the salt dough gingerbread heart ornament on my regular tree has a bite out of it.  Salt dough is fine to use though.

Please, be as creative as you want.  Wood, sculpey, felt, cardstock, hand-blown glass.  The original swap ornaments were wonderful in their variety and creativity.

So these are some tips I copied from The Mac and Cheese Chronicles:
  • ornaments should be packaged into one gallon size ziplock bag.  Participants should label their bag with their name and address.  They can use a 2nd bag if needed, but should not put each ornament into its own baggie.
  • ornaments should be wrapped if needed to ensure they arrive safely.
  • set a deadline for you to receive the ornaments by.  Allow yourself at least one week to process, package and mail the boxes out.  Well, I only gave myself a couple of days, so send yours asap!
  • Participants should send ALL of their ornaments.  They should NOT keep their own ornament out.
  • Have everyone include return postage.  This gets a bit tricky.  Most of the time they can just purchase return postage and stick it in the package before it is sealed.  However, some of the ornaments were very light and it was clear that the return postage would be higher.  I would recommend setting a postage amount, $15.45 for the large priority flat rate box.  Hooray for the comments on this post!  Hooray for Flat Rate Shipping!
Here is the assignment list in all of its glory:

 1. Jesse Tree or Stump 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Amanda

2.  Adam (sun or earth) Genesis 1:24-28 Karen

3.  Eve (Apple and Snake) Genesis 3: 1-24 Blair

4.  Noah (ark or rainbow) Genesis 6:11-22, 8:6-12  Elizabeth C.

5.  Abraham and Sarah (tent) Genesis 12:1-7, 13:2-18  Ingrid

6. Isaac and Rebecca (ram or lamb or silver pitcher or bundle of wood or altar) Genesis 22:1-14  Mary

7.  Jacob and Rachel (ladder) Genesis 27:41 and 28:22  Cal Fan

8.  Prophecy of Isaiah (one of these names: "And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace", or  throne of David) Isaiah 9:2-7  Jessica

9.  Joseph (many colored coat) Genesis 37:1-36  Anne H.

10.  Moses (tablets of commandments or burning bush or baby in basket) Exodus 20:1-17  Emily B.

11.  Aaron  (rod and serpent or blessing hand) Numbers 6:22-27 Cassandra
12.  Samuel (lamp) 1 Samuel 3: 1-21  E. Simmons

13.  David (harp or slingshot) 1 Samuel 16:14-23  Mary Kate D.

14.  Psalm 23:  Good Shepherd (shepherd's crook)  Kerri

15.  Solomon (crown) 1 Kings 3:3-28  Kris M.

16.  Elijah (raven or manna or chariot of fire) 1 Kings 17:1-16 Or choose Joshua or Ruth, but give me a chapter and verse for the handout.  Lena - Ruth

17.  Elisha (dove) 2 Kings 5: 1-27  Or choose Judith or Jonah, but give me a chapter and verse for the handout. taken by So Many Things to Love

18.  Isaiah (scroll, live coal and tongs, anvil and sword, sword and plowshare) Isaiah 6:1-8  Lisa G.

19.  Jeremiah (book of law) Jeremiah 31:31-34 or choose Samson or Daniel, but give me a Bible chapter and verse for the handout.  Angi

20.  Nehemiah  (city of Jerusalem or brick wall) Nehemiah 13:10-22 Michelle

21.  Angel Hebrews1:1-14  Cheryl C.

22.  Zechariah (ark of covenant, or tablet and pencil or chalk, or thurible of incense) Luke 1:5-25  Angela

23.  Mary (heart or lily or any Mary image or symbol) Luke 1:26-38 Dwija

24.  Elizabeth (mother and child or visitation scene) Luke 1: 39-56 Charlotte

25.  John the Baptist (scallop shell with water, river)Luke 1:57-80 Cari D.

26.  Joseph (tools) Matthew 1: 18-2:1  Josee

27. Magi (three crowns, camels, or Bethlehem star)Matthew2:1-12 Rose D.

28. Baby Jesus (or Chi Ro) Luke 2:1-20 Kathy A.

29.  Samson  Kelly C.

30.  Joshua  Becky

31.  Judith or Jonah Lauren

32.  Daniel  Lenetta   

And that's the cut off.  32 is the max I can handle.  

If you're not able to participate, stuff happens, just let me know.  

Be forewarned, since we are getting a rather late start, and we have wonderful people from all over (even Canada) shipping handmade goods to me, I will do my darndest to get everything packed up shipped out in time....but if one person is late or the 2 day priority shipping is exorbitant or the USPS gets backed up, your Jesse Tree might arrive a little late.  

Don't make this an excuse though!  Let's all try to get our ornaments done ahead of time.  Now, go forth and make messes!

Many, many thanks!


  1. Thanks! USPS has flat rate Priority boxes that are very easy to use. The medium is $11.35 and the large is $15.45. I don't know if that's too much but the boxes are free at the post office and shipping only takes 2-3 days. Wonder if that would be a good option?? Looking forward to seeing them all!

    1. BRILLIANT! Yes, this is a great idea. I have no idea how big our 32 ornament collections will be, so let's budget for the large box. Brilliant!

  2. I REALLY want to commit to doing this but I cannot CANNOT craft -- nor can I make it to the post office with both kids without dying -- setting myself up for SERIOUS failure.

    I know -- I'm terrible.

    best of luck to all of the participants that will forever reign far supreme to me and my craft nonskillage.

    1. Do you know about the postal services' home pickup option? I had to reply because this is a huge sanity saving event for me. I have 5 kids aged 10-2mnths, so I feel your postal pain! For the last three years, I've been using I pay for my postage online, print it on basic paper, and tape it to the box, then schedule a carrier pickup off my porch. I don't even have to be home! They will deliver a set of free boxes to your house, too. Since I have never lived in the same state as any of our family (since having kids) this is critical to my survival. Good luck and have a blessed, less stressful Advent!

    2. Also BRILLIANT! I was scratching my head, doing the math, if I could get six of my family members to carry 5 boxes each... Yes, I will be using this for the boxes.

  3. Would love to update moms' that Mary made when you guys come for Christmas. It will be fun!


  5. my ornaments are done! all i need now is your address.

  6. oooooooo Samuel - boy in sleeping bag next to lampstand. Excited!!
