Friday, August 17, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday

--- 1 ---
Ever heard of Pottermore?

Yes, I am pro-Harry Potter.  I see lots of Christian imagery, behavior, and beliefs  in J.K. Rowling's imaginary world of wizardry.  Heck, Hogwarts gets out for Easter and Christmas.  The public school at the end of my block doesn't celebrate those days.  I have taken this stance before.

I am also pro-Grimm's fairy tales, L. Frank Baum's Wizard of Oz, MGM's Wizard of Oz, Narnia, Tolkien, Star Wars, and the Muppet Babies.

Anyhoo....if you're looking to waste some quality time on the interweb, or occupy a child for a few days hours, check out J.K. Rowling's Pottermore.  I got as far as the Sorting Hat chapter, and believe it or not, I got sorted into Gryffindor.

Yes, I realize that this is a site for children and not for mothers of five.  Call me "Mrs. Weasley."  Yes, I could have fallen down the rabbit hole of lost time like I did during the Great Webkinz Obsession  of '08 and the Farmville Episode of '09.  But I didn't.  Yet.

I kind of wanted to be in Slytherin, what with our family resemblance and all.  Last night, Susan saw Baby J in the tub with her slicked-back-white-blonde hair and said that Baby J should be Draco for Halloween.

Oh, yeah.  We celebrate Halloween too. 

 We can still be friends.
--- 2 ---

Two obnoxious characters in one.

Lest you think I have no sense of discernment at all, I will share that I am opposed to Barbies, Bratz, Dragon Tales, and Sid the Science Kid.

We are racially ambiguous and have super annoying voices.

--- 3 ---
 The house is in turmoil because we are having the upstairs bathroom renovated.  Translation:  I was too lazy to cook dinner, so we are ordering take-out from P.F. Chang's.  I can never order from P.F. Chang's without first consulting this book:

According to Eat This, Not That, one should order the salmon, the Seared Ahi Tuna, Ginger Chicken and Broccoli, the Almond and Cashew Chicken, and Sichuan Style Asparagus.  One should not order the Siracha Shrimp Salad, the Kung Pao Chicken, the Spicy Green Beans, or the Lo Mein Pork.

However, according to the nutritional facts page, the Spicy Green Beans have much lower fat and calorie content than the book states.  Maybe P.F. revised his recipe and made it more healthful?

--- 4 ---

This is where I was going to upload pictures of the nasty pre-renovated bathroom.  You know it's time for a re-do when the toilet has a hairline fracture, the faucet handles spin meaninglessly in any direction, the vinyl tile has gaping holes in it, and the outlet is blackened/melted uselessness.

Ok, you win, you get a picture, but it's sideways.  Sorry.

--- 5 ---

Peter is on the golf team.  You might think this was a relatively genteel sport with low or no chance of injury.

I cannot get this picture to rotate.  Well, I can, but then it uploads sideways.

Well, my boy took a club in the face yesterday and his lip and chin are all black and blue.  Thank God it did not hit higher or it could have taken out some teeth, or broken his nose.  Thank God it did not hit lower, or it could have damaged his windpipe, broken his neck, or torn his rotator cuff, or re-broken his arm which would DEFINITELY require surgery this time around.

Yep, thank you God.  Please don't let it happen again.

--- 6 ---

I haven't read too much lately, but we have been enjoying these crafty books.

Illustration School Let's Draw Happy People

Illustration School Let's Draw Cute Animals

I actually bought two copies of this.  One for us and one as a birthday gift accompanied by some polymer clay.

Completely useless, adorable things.

--- 7 ---

 Baby J has a new word.  

I am quite certain she has no idea what it means, but it sure sounds like she does.

Enjoy this glorious weekend.  Gorgeous weather in Chicago lately.  
You should come visit and I'd share it with you.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. I LOATHE Sid the Science Kid. I don't care what the show is about but its up there with Barney and Caillou or whatever that whining terrible child's name is. Awful.

    1. Oooh...Barney...and Caillou...whiniest bald kid on PBS.

  2. So, you're in Gryffindor, but what's your wand made out of?

    1. My wand is pear with phoenix feather. I cannot believe my sister is in Slytherin.

  3. I am pro-good stories, and anti-whining myself. Love Harry Potter, but I've not gotten into Pottermore yet. I will, though.


Friday, August 17, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday

--- 1 ---
Ever heard of Pottermore?

Yes, I am pro-Harry Potter.  I see lots of Christian imagery, behavior, and beliefs  in J.K. Rowling's imaginary world of wizardry.  Heck, Hogwarts gets out for Easter and Christmas.  The public school at the end of my block doesn't celebrate those days.  I have taken this stance before.

I am also pro-Grimm's fairy tales, L. Frank Baum's Wizard of Oz, MGM's Wizard of Oz, Narnia, Tolkien, Star Wars, and the Muppet Babies.

Anyhoo....if you're looking to waste some quality time on the interweb, or occupy a child for a few days hours, check out J.K. Rowling's Pottermore.  I got as far as the Sorting Hat chapter, and believe it or not, I got sorted into Gryffindor.

Yes, I realize that this is a site for children and not for mothers of five.  Call me "Mrs. Weasley."  Yes, I could have fallen down the rabbit hole of lost time like I did during the Great Webkinz Obsession  of '08 and the Farmville Episode of '09.  But I didn't.  Yet.

I kind of wanted to be in Slytherin, what with our family resemblance and all.  Last night, Susan saw Baby J in the tub with her slicked-back-white-blonde hair and said that Baby J should be Draco for Halloween.

Oh, yeah.  We celebrate Halloween too. 

 We can still be friends.
--- 2 ---

Two obnoxious characters in one.

Lest you think I have no sense of discernment at all, I will share that I am opposed to Barbies, Bratz, Dragon Tales, and Sid the Science Kid.

We are racially ambiguous and have super annoying voices.

--- 3 ---
 The house is in turmoil because we are having the upstairs bathroom renovated.  Translation:  I was too lazy to cook dinner, so we are ordering take-out from P.F. Chang's.  I can never order from P.F. Chang's without first consulting this book:

According to Eat This, Not That, one should order the salmon, the Seared Ahi Tuna, Ginger Chicken and Broccoli, the Almond and Cashew Chicken, and Sichuan Style Asparagus.  One should not order the Siracha Shrimp Salad, the Kung Pao Chicken, the Spicy Green Beans, or the Lo Mein Pork.

However, according to the nutritional facts page, the Spicy Green Beans have much lower fat and calorie content than the book states.  Maybe P.F. revised his recipe and made it more healthful?

--- 4 ---

This is where I was going to upload pictures of the nasty pre-renovated bathroom.  You know it's time for a re-do when the toilet has a hairline fracture, the faucet handles spin meaninglessly in any direction, the vinyl tile has gaping holes in it, and the outlet is blackened/melted uselessness.

Ok, you win, you get a picture, but it's sideways.  Sorry.

--- 5 ---

Peter is on the golf team.  You might think this was a relatively genteel sport with low or no chance of injury.

I cannot get this picture to rotate.  Well, I can, but then it uploads sideways.

Well, my boy took a club in the face yesterday and his lip and chin are all black and blue.  Thank God it did not hit higher or it could have taken out some teeth, or broken his nose.  Thank God it did not hit lower, or it could have damaged his windpipe, broken his neck, or torn his rotator cuff, or re-broken his arm which would DEFINITELY require surgery this time around.

Yep, thank you God.  Please don't let it happen again.

--- 6 ---

I haven't read too much lately, but we have been enjoying these crafty books.

Illustration School Let's Draw Happy People

Illustration School Let's Draw Cute Animals

I actually bought two copies of this.  One for us and one as a birthday gift accompanied by some polymer clay.

Completely useless, adorable things.

--- 7 ---

 Baby J has a new word.  

I am quite certain she has no idea what it means, but it sure sounds like she does.

Enjoy this glorious weekend.  Gorgeous weather in Chicago lately.  
You should come visit and I'd share it with you.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. I LOATHE Sid the Science Kid. I don't care what the show is about but its up there with Barney and Caillou or whatever that whining terrible child's name is. Awful.

    1. Oooh...Barney...and Caillou...whiniest bald kid on PBS.

  2. So, you're in Gryffindor, but what's your wand made out of?

    1. My wand is pear with phoenix feather. I cannot believe my sister is in Slytherin.

  3. I am pro-good stories, and anti-whining myself. Love Harry Potter, but I've not gotten into Pottermore yet. I will, though.
