Friday, September 21, 2012

7 Quick Takes - 75th Anniversary of The Hobbit!

--- 1 ---

Raise your hand if you know what a crusty bloomer is.

Is this what you were picturing?

I was delighted to find this invite on the interwebs a few weeks ago.

Go ahead, click on it.  It takes you to Bag End where you can download a pdf of games, recipes, tea coasters, grocery list, and printable Hobbit banner to celebrate today's anniversary. 

I'd make the seedcake, but I don't cook in grams and neither do hobbits or Harry Potter.  Also, I'm too lazy to google what caster sugar is.  I'm still worn out from googling crusty bloomers, and a little disappointed too.

But like most days, I had second breakfast today.  Darn tootin'.

--- 2 ---

Quick Takes are late today because I came down with the sniffles, and am currently sipping a hot toddy in hopes of recovery.  Plus, it's cold and rainy, and I needed an excuse to try out the Kirkland brand bourbon.  Good stuff.

--- 3 ---

Want to know the secret to getting your thirteen-year-old daughter to say you are "best mom in the whole wide world?"

Reversible jeans.

Seriously.  Pockets inside and outside of the pants.  One layer of denim:  one side is polka dot, the other is solid.  They cost a little more, but they count as two pairs of jeans.  I wish I had some.  They also come in houndstooth (almost got those) and camoflage.
--- 4 ---

Movies I would like to see this weekend, if I didn't have kids in sports at inconvenient times and live-in babysitters with social lives:  The Trouble with the Curve.

I love Gran Torino and Enchanted.  Therefore it's a foregone conclusion that I will love Clint and Amy on screen together.  If I ever get to see it.

Plus, then I can sneak in some of my lifetime supply of candy corn to munch on WITH popcorn.  Mmmmmm.  Like pb and j, bacon and eggs, cookies and milk.  Try it.  It's ah-mazing.  The secret is one candy corn to every 5 or 6 popcorns.  This might be part of my dental problem.

--- 5 ---

Thanks to Cari, I laughed til I cried last night while reading random found grocery lists here and here.  For Christmas, I so very much want the book, Milk, Eggs, Vodka.  The Chef kept telling me it wasn't that funny, but it was.  Honestly, why would anyone's grocery list include the word "Toe?"

My grocery list writing will never again include the cryptic "bnls/sknls chkn brsts" but forevermore I can summarize with "chicken boobs."

And to the grocery list collector who stole/found my very long two column list at Costco yesterday...the one on the paper that says, "I carpool therefore I am." at the top of the page, I still needed that list.  Costco was only one column.  When I got the regular grocery store, sans list, I forgot the swiss chard for the minestrone tonight which de-railed my dinner plans, once again forcing us to get pizza.

Can you tell how disappointed we are?  Little sacrifices made with great love.  of pizzapolishing my halo

--- 6 ---

The Chef loves Eric and Kathy.  He says he doesn't.  But I just know he does.  That's why he loves it when I hide their flyers in his briefcase, underwear drawer, coffee beans, etc.

What's not to love?

I know that those are screams of delight not terror when he opens the medicine cabinet to these smiling visages.

That's how I know he's going to love QT #7.

--- 7 ---

There's a rectory I pass every day, many times a day, on the way to my own parish.  This time of year, the folks in charge of the rectory decor bust out a flag with the sentiment, "Happy Fall Y'all!"  

The Chef would really love for you to inundate his fb page with that sentiment.  He loves it so much.  Just like he adores Eric and Kathy.
 So get into the spirit of the season and spread some autumnal cheer by joining me in wishing The Chef a

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

1 comment:

  1. My youngest is part-Hobbit. Partially because I have Hobbit feet, but mostly because for years he ate Second breakfast, and third if he could finagle it.

    My poor husband, even after 21+ years of wedded bliss, can never read my handwriting on my grocery lists.

    I am sure your gang was happy to take a pizza for the team :)


Friday, September 21, 2012

7 Quick Takes - 75th Anniversary of The Hobbit!

--- 1 ---

Raise your hand if you know what a crusty bloomer is.

Is this what you were picturing?

I was delighted to find this invite on the interwebs a few weeks ago.

Go ahead, click on it.  It takes you to Bag End where you can download a pdf of games, recipes, tea coasters, grocery list, and printable Hobbit banner to celebrate today's anniversary. 

I'd make the seedcake, but I don't cook in grams and neither do hobbits or Harry Potter.  Also, I'm too lazy to google what caster sugar is.  I'm still worn out from googling crusty bloomers, and a little disappointed too.

But like most days, I had second breakfast today.  Darn tootin'.

--- 2 ---

Quick Takes are late today because I came down with the sniffles, and am currently sipping a hot toddy in hopes of recovery.  Plus, it's cold and rainy, and I needed an excuse to try out the Kirkland brand bourbon.  Good stuff.

--- 3 ---

Want to know the secret to getting your thirteen-year-old daughter to say you are "best mom in the whole wide world?"

Reversible jeans.

Seriously.  Pockets inside and outside of the pants.  One layer of denim:  one side is polka dot, the other is solid.  They cost a little more, but they count as two pairs of jeans.  I wish I had some.  They also come in houndstooth (almost got those) and camoflage.
--- 4 ---

Movies I would like to see this weekend, if I didn't have kids in sports at inconvenient times and live-in babysitters with social lives:  The Trouble with the Curve.

I love Gran Torino and Enchanted.  Therefore it's a foregone conclusion that I will love Clint and Amy on screen together.  If I ever get to see it.

Plus, then I can sneak in some of my lifetime supply of candy corn to munch on WITH popcorn.  Mmmmmm.  Like pb and j, bacon and eggs, cookies and milk.  Try it.  It's ah-mazing.  The secret is one candy corn to every 5 or 6 popcorns.  This might be part of my dental problem.

--- 5 ---

Thanks to Cari, I laughed til I cried last night while reading random found grocery lists here and here.  For Christmas, I so very much want the book, Milk, Eggs, Vodka.  The Chef kept telling me it wasn't that funny, but it was.  Honestly, why would anyone's grocery list include the word "Toe?"

My grocery list writing will never again include the cryptic "bnls/sknls chkn brsts" but forevermore I can summarize with "chicken boobs."

And to the grocery list collector who stole/found my very long two column list at Costco yesterday...the one on the paper that says, "I carpool therefore I am." at the top of the page, I still needed that list.  Costco was only one column.  When I got the regular grocery store, sans list, I forgot the swiss chard for the minestrone tonight which de-railed my dinner plans, once again forcing us to get pizza.

Can you tell how disappointed we are?  Little sacrifices made with great love.  of pizzapolishing my halo

--- 6 ---

The Chef loves Eric and Kathy.  He says he doesn't.  But I just know he does.  That's why he loves it when I hide their flyers in his briefcase, underwear drawer, coffee beans, etc.

What's not to love?

I know that those are screams of delight not terror when he opens the medicine cabinet to these smiling visages.

That's how I know he's going to love QT #7.

--- 7 ---

There's a rectory I pass every day, many times a day, on the way to my own parish.  This time of year, the folks in charge of the rectory decor bust out a flag with the sentiment, "Happy Fall Y'all!"  

The Chef would really love for you to inundate his fb page with that sentiment.  He loves it so much.  Just like he adores Eric and Kathy.
 So get into the spirit of the season and spread some autumnal cheer by joining me in wishing The Chef a

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

1 comment:

  1. My youngest is part-Hobbit. Partially because I have Hobbit feet, but mostly because for years he ate Second breakfast, and third if he could finagle it.

    My poor husband, even after 21+ years of wedded bliss, can never read my handwriting on my grocery lists.

    I am sure your gang was happy to take a pizza for the team :)
