Friday, October 19, 2012

7 Quick Takes: Milkshakes and Movies

--- 1 ---

If you're looking for a pumpkin milk shake, you can skip Wendy's .  They never carried them.  You can skip Sonic.  They don't have them this year.  You can skip McDonald's. 

They stopped carrying them because they had to make room for their EGG NOG SHAKE.  C'MON PEOPLE!  IT'S OCTOBER 19TH.  We're not even in the twenties yet.  We haven't had the only two pumpkin holidays of the year yet, and McDonald's has already begun celebrating Christmas, or the Winter Fest, or whatever they're not calling it this year.

Bah humbug.
--- 2 ---
Take a deep breath.  Everything is going to be fine.

The good news is that you can still get pumpkin milkshakes at Dairy Queen and Culvers. 

Feel better now?  So do I.  Moving on...

--- 3 ---

Peter and Susan are at the Halloween Dance for (your) Life, proceeds benefitting The Women's Center, here in Chicago.

Lucy is baking things at her volleyball coaches' house to sell at her Volley for the Cure tomorrow, benefitting Alexian Brothers Breast Cancer Center.  Nope, none of that Susan G. funny business.

The Chef is at his manchild softball game that will render him completely useless the rest of the weekend, but this is the end of the season.  Huzzah!  That hole in the fence ain't gonna fix itself, and neither will that broken basement light.

So, Baby J, Edmund, and I are watching Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Gywneth, Jude, red lipstick, and WWII.  What's not to love?

I really enjoy films that are appropriate for the whole family. 

--- 4 ---

Last October, we watched this film, despite hearing it was awful.

We loved it.  The Village is scary, not gory.  Suspenseful, intriguing.  A real mind-bender.  

Then, we re-watched Signs, a classic.  Next, we checked out Unbreakable.  And we liked them all.

So began our family's annual M. Night Shyamalan festival, (my kids think the M stands for "mid").  There's something about the weather in October that is very conducive to watching thrillers and eating popcorn with candy corn.  Add a mug of hot cider, or a bottle of hard cider, and you have my idea of the perfect evening in.

--- 5 ---

This year I want to re-visit The Sixth Sense.  I think my high-schoolers can handle it.  I think the Chef is too scared to watch it again though.

Last weekend, we watched Lady in the Water, and for the very first time, the Chef was disappointed.  But I wasn't.  How could I be?  What with Paul Giamatti acting his little heart out?  He's absolutely amazing.  Plus, I am very intrigued by this character.

He only works out on one side of his body.  It's a scientific experiment. 

Yes, the monster/dog-made-of-grass was a little hokey, but that's ok.  Paul was anything but hokey.

For this weekend, I got The Happening from the library.

With Mark Wahlberg, it's gotta be good.  But with an R rating, it's not going to be family movie night.  That's what Sky Captain and The King's Speech are for.

--- 6 ---

When we run out of M. Night Shyamalan, and the end is near, I think we'll start on Hitchcock.  But not Vertigo.  That's too weird and trippy.  I much prefer The Man Who Knew Too Much and North by Northwest

--- 7 ---

Any other recommendations?  I've got a lot of candy corn to consume.  

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock.

  2. Rear Window by Hitchcock FREAKY! The Colonel and I watched "Frequency" on our first date. Not technically a horror movie but it is full of suspense!!

    1. I LOVE Rear Window, but we have to watch it in July/August when it's steamy-sweaty just like the movie. Just watched it again this summer.

      Also, I really like Wait Until Dark, Audrey Hepburn as a blind woman. Very thrilling.

      I'll have to check out Frequency now, sounds so romantic. ;)

  3. Gaslight. Gets me every time. Also, just started showing some of the old Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents episodes to my kids. Some are genuinely freaky.

  4. Must check out those flicks. Thanks!

    Also, blast from the past, I just remembered Dead Again, with Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson. I literally kicked the tv screen the first time I saw a certain part....

  5. My favorites are To Catch a Thief and North by Northwest. I don't like too much creepy stuff!

  6. Hi - I found you via Dwija - and I am glad I did! I am enjoying your blog immensely! Come by and visit me at Home In Douglas!

  7. Please do an update, now that you're post-The Happening. I am a die hard M. Night fan (we're on first initial, middle name basis), but I thought that The Happening was the biggest piece of vote (heh- see what I did there?) I've ever seen him make.

    Honestly. Was Zooey Dechanel on barbiturates the entire time? Or did she think that flat affect was artistic? And wasn't Mark Wahlberg in it? See, it was so horrible that I blocked out his possible involvement.

  8. Ok, so you're not the first person to share these criticisms. Someone on my fb page said it was "disturbing." So I shied away, far away. Never watched it. Paid the library a $4 fine, or as I like to call it, a donation.

    I tried to watch some Slenderman, but I couldn't find the first episodes. Did you just watch any episodes or do they have to be in order?


Friday, October 19, 2012

7 Quick Takes: Milkshakes and Movies

--- 1 ---

If you're looking for a pumpkin milk shake, you can skip Wendy's .  They never carried them.  You can skip Sonic.  They don't have them this year.  You can skip McDonald's. 

They stopped carrying them because they had to make room for their EGG NOG SHAKE.  C'MON PEOPLE!  IT'S OCTOBER 19TH.  We're not even in the twenties yet.  We haven't had the only two pumpkin holidays of the year yet, and McDonald's has already begun celebrating Christmas, or the Winter Fest, or whatever they're not calling it this year.

Bah humbug.
--- 2 ---
Take a deep breath.  Everything is going to be fine.

The good news is that you can still get pumpkin milkshakes at Dairy Queen and Culvers. 

Feel better now?  So do I.  Moving on...

--- 3 ---

Peter and Susan are at the Halloween Dance for (your) Life, proceeds benefitting The Women's Center, here in Chicago.

Lucy is baking things at her volleyball coaches' house to sell at her Volley for the Cure tomorrow, benefitting Alexian Brothers Breast Cancer Center.  Nope, none of that Susan G. funny business.

The Chef is at his manchild softball game that will render him completely useless the rest of the weekend, but this is the end of the season.  Huzzah!  That hole in the fence ain't gonna fix itself, and neither will that broken basement light.

So, Baby J, Edmund, and I are watching Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Gywneth, Jude, red lipstick, and WWII.  What's not to love?

I really enjoy films that are appropriate for the whole family. 

--- 4 ---

Last October, we watched this film, despite hearing it was awful.

We loved it.  The Village is scary, not gory.  Suspenseful, intriguing.  A real mind-bender.  

Then, we re-watched Signs, a classic.  Next, we checked out Unbreakable.  And we liked them all.

So began our family's annual M. Night Shyamalan festival, (my kids think the M stands for "mid").  There's something about the weather in October that is very conducive to watching thrillers and eating popcorn with candy corn.  Add a mug of hot cider, or a bottle of hard cider, and you have my idea of the perfect evening in.

--- 5 ---

This year I want to re-visit The Sixth Sense.  I think my high-schoolers can handle it.  I think the Chef is too scared to watch it again though.

Last weekend, we watched Lady in the Water, and for the very first time, the Chef was disappointed.  But I wasn't.  How could I be?  What with Paul Giamatti acting his little heart out?  He's absolutely amazing.  Plus, I am very intrigued by this character.

He only works out on one side of his body.  It's a scientific experiment. 

Yes, the monster/dog-made-of-grass was a little hokey, but that's ok.  Paul was anything but hokey.

For this weekend, I got The Happening from the library.

With Mark Wahlberg, it's gotta be good.  But with an R rating, it's not going to be family movie night.  That's what Sky Captain and The King's Speech are for.

--- 6 ---

When we run out of M. Night Shyamalan, and the end is near, I think we'll start on Hitchcock.  But not Vertigo.  That's too weird and trippy.  I much prefer The Man Who Knew Too Much and North by Northwest

--- 7 ---

Any other recommendations?  I've got a lot of candy corn to consume.  

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock.

  2. Rear Window by Hitchcock FREAKY! The Colonel and I watched "Frequency" on our first date. Not technically a horror movie but it is full of suspense!!

    1. I LOVE Rear Window, but we have to watch it in July/August when it's steamy-sweaty just like the movie. Just watched it again this summer.

      Also, I really like Wait Until Dark, Audrey Hepburn as a blind woman. Very thrilling.

      I'll have to check out Frequency now, sounds so romantic. ;)

  3. Gaslight. Gets me every time. Also, just started showing some of the old Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents episodes to my kids. Some are genuinely freaky.

  4. Must check out those flicks. Thanks!

    Also, blast from the past, I just remembered Dead Again, with Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson. I literally kicked the tv screen the first time I saw a certain part....

  5. My favorites are To Catch a Thief and North by Northwest. I don't like too much creepy stuff!

  6. Hi - I found you via Dwija - and I am glad I did! I am enjoying your blog immensely! Come by and visit me at Home In Douglas!

  7. Please do an update, now that you're post-The Happening. I am a die hard M. Night fan (we're on first initial, middle name basis), but I thought that The Happening was the biggest piece of vote (heh- see what I did there?) I've ever seen him make.

    Honestly. Was Zooey Dechanel on barbiturates the entire time? Or did she think that flat affect was artistic? And wasn't Mark Wahlberg in it? See, it was so horrible that I blocked out his possible involvement.

  8. Ok, so you're not the first person to share these criticisms. Someone on my fb page said it was "disturbing." So I shied away, far away. Never watched it. Paid the library a $4 fine, or as I like to call it, a donation.

    I tried to watch some Slenderman, but I couldn't find the first episodes. Did you just watch any episodes or do they have to be in order?
