Monday, February 3, 2014

Rug Cleaning, Ice Fishing, and No Barn

This Saturday we went to an estate that is now owned by a Forest Preserve.  I thought for sure there would be a barn there, seeing as how they had horses there.

Yes, I could live there.

J sees horses.

Edmund ice fishes.  Is that a snowflake on my lens?

J ice fishes...or not.

Thank you Lord for ice makers, and electricity.

Not a barn, but a chapel.  Turns out this estate was owned by Catholics, once upon a time. This is the Portiuncula Chapel, a replica of the Chapel of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy.  Since St. Francis gave us the Creche tradition, we can all make some leaps and bounds and agree that this counts as a barn for Theme Thursday.

Not far from the Chapel, is this structure.  Also not a barn, but a theater.

Rug cleaning - before.  Iphone blurry pic.  Spoiler:  You can't really see a difference in the photos.
Free old-fashioned rug cleaner.

Take my word for it and my photoshop skills, that the colors are brighter.
Don't be a doubting Thomas about this rug cleaning method, because the esteemed Like Mother, Like Daughter people recommended it, as well as lots of other kooks on the internet.  Not that Aunt Leila and her girls are kooks...I'm shutting up now.

Susan's been at it again!  

Linking up with Clan Donaldson for Theme Thursday Sans Barn.


  1. I just started following your blog a few weeks ago. Imagine my surprise when I recognized the photos of Mayslake -- I did not realize that we lived in the same "neck of the woods." It is a beautiful estate, and I love the Portiuncula Chapel!

    Cheryl Basile

  2. That chapel is absolutely gorgeous!!

  3. WOW! The chapel is gorgeous! I'd say even better than a barn!

  4. Love the chapel! Was it as beautiful inside as the outside?

    1. I didn't get to go in, but from what I can tell in the rental photos here ( the inside is just white washed.


Monday, February 3, 2014

Rug Cleaning, Ice Fishing, and No Barn

This Saturday we went to an estate that is now owned by a Forest Preserve.  I thought for sure there would be a barn there, seeing as how they had horses there.

Yes, I could live there.

J sees horses.

Edmund ice fishes.  Is that a snowflake on my lens?

J ice fishes...or not.

Thank you Lord for ice makers, and electricity.

Not a barn, but a chapel.  Turns out this estate was owned by Catholics, once upon a time. This is the Portiuncula Chapel, a replica of the Chapel of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy.  Since St. Francis gave us the Creche tradition, we can all make some leaps and bounds and agree that this counts as a barn for Theme Thursday.

Not far from the Chapel, is this structure.  Also not a barn, but a theater.

Rug cleaning - before.  Iphone blurry pic.  Spoiler:  You can't really see a difference in the photos.
Free old-fashioned rug cleaner.

Take my word for it and my photoshop skills, that the colors are brighter.
Don't be a doubting Thomas about this rug cleaning method, because the esteemed Like Mother, Like Daughter people recommended it, as well as lots of other kooks on the internet.  Not that Aunt Leila and her girls are kooks...I'm shutting up now.

Susan's been at it again!  

Linking up with Clan Donaldson for Theme Thursday Sans Barn.


  1. I just started following your blog a few weeks ago. Imagine my surprise when I recognized the photos of Mayslake -- I did not realize that we lived in the same "neck of the woods." It is a beautiful estate, and I love the Portiuncula Chapel!

    Cheryl Basile

  2. That chapel is absolutely gorgeous!!

  3. WOW! The chapel is gorgeous! I'd say even better than a barn!

  4. Love the chapel! Was it as beautiful inside as the outside?

    1. I didn't get to go in, but from what I can tell in the rental photos here ( the inside is just white washed.
