Friday, July 25, 2014

7QT: Because photos are easier than typing...


This girl had a birthday (six weeks ago).  Drivers' Ed.  Again.  Pray for us.


A month ago yesterday.

3.  How is Jill handling it?

4.  Marvelously.

5.  Polly is a wee bit colicky.  I keep saying and hoping it's a wee bit.  Please be just a wee bit.  

Pray for us me.

6.  One month old already!

Her baptism is tomorrow! And so many out-of-town relatives are going to be here! Including her godmother and uncle and newest cousin, Isaac!  17 pound ham!  Maple Bacon Upsidedown Cake!  Chrism!  All the good smells! (Hey!  Our families smell pretty darn good.  Most of the time.)


One more month and this tall baby of mine goes away to college.

Patrick, Edmund, Jill, Polly, and I are all "helping" him move in.  I'm certain our caravan of characters will make a great first impression on his classmates.  

Pray for him too.


Linking up with Carolyn because she's not at the Edel conference either.


  1. You had me at Maple Bacon Upside Down Cake!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. You have such beatiful kids. And can I just say that I love that you have one going off to college and one newborn! That's awesome! Prayers for the driver's ed and the college-bound.

  3. What a beautiful batch of kids you have. Happy birthday, and babies, and all that to your end of the world :)

    The Starving Inspired

  4. Jill and Polly! So sweet! Hope all the things are going well and the dishwasher is no longer possessed.

  5. Your girls are so gorgeous!

    You are really spanning the spectrum of motherhood right now. Colic and sending your first off to college is A LOT to deal with at one time! I'll say a prayer for you.

  6. Polly is a beautiful baby and so lucky to have a big sister to care for her. Good luck with the caravan to school. "You are brave. You are fearless."

  7. Should have said 3 big sisters, but you know what I meant.

  8. Many Years to the Newly Illumined!

  9. Just found your blog through house unseen. I had a baby June 24th and he was baptized July 26th!! Small world!!


Friday, July 25, 2014

7QT: Because photos are easier than typing...


This girl had a birthday (six weeks ago).  Drivers' Ed.  Again.  Pray for us.


A month ago yesterday.

3.  How is Jill handling it?

4.  Marvelously.

5.  Polly is a wee bit colicky.  I keep saying and hoping it's a wee bit.  Please be just a wee bit.  

Pray for us me.

6.  One month old already!

Her baptism is tomorrow! And so many out-of-town relatives are going to be here! Including her godmother and uncle and newest cousin, Isaac!  17 pound ham!  Maple Bacon Upsidedown Cake!  Chrism!  All the good smells! (Hey!  Our families smell pretty darn good.  Most of the time.)


One more month and this tall baby of mine goes away to college.

Patrick, Edmund, Jill, Polly, and I are all "helping" him move in.  I'm certain our caravan of characters will make a great first impression on his classmates.  

Pray for him too.


Linking up with Carolyn because she's not at the Edel conference either.


  1. You had me at Maple Bacon Upside Down Cake!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. You have such beatiful kids. And can I just say that I love that you have one going off to college and one newborn! That's awesome! Prayers for the driver's ed and the college-bound.

  3. What a beautiful batch of kids you have. Happy birthday, and babies, and all that to your end of the world :)

    The Starving Inspired

  4. Jill and Polly! So sweet! Hope all the things are going well and the dishwasher is no longer possessed.

  5. Your girls are so gorgeous!

    You are really spanning the spectrum of motherhood right now. Colic and sending your first off to college is A LOT to deal with at one time! I'll say a prayer for you.

  6. Polly is a beautiful baby and so lucky to have a big sister to care for her. Good luck with the caravan to school. "You are brave. You are fearless."

  7. Should have said 3 big sisters, but you know what I meant.

  8. Many Years to the Newly Illumined!

  9. Just found your blog through house unseen. I had a baby June 24th and he was baptized July 26th!! Small world!!
