Friday, August 1, 2014

7QT: Such a long to-do list, I think I'll blog.

We are leaving for Michigan in the am.  The laundry isn't done.  There are still groceries to buy (Hello Aldi cheap beach snacks!).  The house is a mess.  But I think I'll cough up seven quick takes and tell the big kids to make brownies, because these things are important.

Those people down there are my people.
Michigan.  It's just like this.  On a lake with a beer and a baby.


We have a new Christian in the house!

Many, many thanks to Fr. Steve Grunow of Word on Fire for coming down to our neck of the woods to baptize Polly and to the many family members who journeyed far and cut vacations short to be with us on this great occasion!

3.  Here are some examples of how Old Scratch tried to spoil the day interspersed with photos that are not related to the text.

My dishwasher broke the night before.  Patrick duct taped it so the tape was barely noticeable and the dishwasher still functioned.

The morning of, in a group effort to get beverages in the coolers, Lucy picked up a 12 pack of beer on the back porch and the box broke!  Broken glass and beer everywhere!

Then after cleaning up that mess, Susan was stirring a glass pitcher of OJ RIGHT BEFORE WE WERE TO WALK OUT THE DOOR, AND THE PITCHER BROKE!  Glass and OJ all over my clean kitchen.

At this point, Patrick, Polly, Jill, and I took off for the church, leaving the oldest four to clean and make their own way.

Polly was a perfect baby for the entire ceremony except for some serious fussiness and squirming during the prayer of exorcism.  But then Fr. Steve called the Holy Spirit down on her, and she settled right down.

4.  The rest of the day was just lovely.  There was no Bacon Cake left.  No ham.  None of the four egg casseroles.  No Prosecco.  It was a great feast!

Then we napped.

My hair looked pretty good too.  Washed it the day before.  Curly friends, you got to get educated in Ouidad.  I read about this nursing friendly dress on this blog.  Thanks, Tess.  Sorry not sorry I got the same print as she did.  It's the prettiest one.

5.  Some of the male party guests were complaining about our gorgeous vegetable garden. I think they were afraid their wives would get ideas.

I'm linking up with Cari's Garden Post. Our harvest has been small so far.  Some lettuce, Swiss Chard, basil, and a total of 2 cucumbers and 9 green beans.  This is our first attempt at vegetable gardening.

Each of those cucumbers cost us about $175.

There are zillions of green tomatoes too.  I'm certain everything will ripen while we are away.  If you live locally, swing by my back yard and help yourselves.  I have a good gazpacho recipe here.

The pepper plants look good, but no peppers.  The watermelon was about the size of a golf ball, but squirrels got it somehow.  It looks like we will do well with pumpkins.  That will save me about $8 this fall.

Next year, I'm growing zucchini and arugula.

Mixing the compost.
BTW, the vegetable garden is all the work of Patrick, Edmund, and Peter.  Any and all flowers are my domain, and they are all dead or mostly dead, which is why they are not pictured.


On Monday, we took our Houston family members to the zoo.  They left from the zoo for the airport, but we stayed and went to the Butterfly House.

Patrick is SKEERED of butterflies, so we have never been there before.

It was gorgeous and magical and I want to live there.  Or at least spend a couple of hours in there with a large iced tea.


Jill is talking about this moment when she says she touched a pig at the zoo.

I suppose that's enough procrastinating.

I will try to keep up with the WWRW posts, but there is a serious lack of internet and even cell coverage where we're going.  Don't you ever think that I'd skip a What We're Reading Wednesday post because I haven't read any books.  Jill would never let that happen.

Linking up with Jennifer @ Conversion Diary and Cari @ Clan Donaldson.


  1. Bacon cake, amazing hair, and the discovery that Patrick is scared of butterflies? Day made.
    Safe travels, and have fun!

  2. I have that same dress, and I'm not even nursing! I had knee surgery a few weeks ago, and it was so much easier to wear a dress than shorts or pants. That dress got lots of use.
    Congratulations and welcome to the new Christian! Sounds like it was a whole mess of work to get to the church on time. Yikes!
    We have had a garden for 8 years now, but tried zucchini for the first time. Wow. The plants are huge, and the zucchini even bigger. They taste good, though, and we are blessing lots of people with them.
    Enjoy your trip! Of course, it's hard not to when you are vacationing at Lake Michigan. Love that place.

    1. Confession. I bought two of the same dress, but the other one is the maxi length. I always do that when I find something I like.

  3. I looked at that picture from the baptism and thought, wow, her hair looks really great, and that's a super cute dress. Right on. :) Hope your vacation is wonderful.

    1. Aw, thanks. Next year, Edel had better watch out! Sorry you're trip was spoiled.

  4. Bacon cake? Yum! And what a lovely baptism - you went all out with the decorations! So beautiful!

    Somehow, methinks we are in the same neck of the woods...Detroit Zoo butterfly house? One of my Gia's favorite places to go! :)

    As for the garden, we are still trying to figure out what works and what doesn't in our small yard and container gardening. We joined a CSA because we found that low lying veggies just didn't work for us - they'd turn out to be tasty animal treats. :( So far, loving the basil, tomatoes, sugar snap peas, and beans. I'll have to check out Cari's linkup!

    1. Oh! And welcome to your new little shiny Christian! :)

    2. Thanks Rakhi! Unfortunately, that's the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. Your zoo probably has elephants. Lucky.

  5. What's wrong with being afraid of butterflies? They are INSECTS. I never go in that tent either. (Solidarity, Patrick)
    The hair is always. Also, not only do you not look like you just had a baby, you also don't look like a mom of 6.

  6. That dress looks gorgeous on you!! Good choice and glad I could point you in its direction. :)

  7. Yay on new little Christians!! Where in MI is your family going? That's where I hail from; we're actually going up to Torch Lake this coming weekend:)


Friday, August 1, 2014

7QT: Such a long to-do list, I think I'll blog.

We are leaving for Michigan in the am.  The laundry isn't done.  There are still groceries to buy (Hello Aldi cheap beach snacks!).  The house is a mess.  But I think I'll cough up seven quick takes and tell the big kids to make brownies, because these things are important.

Those people down there are my people.
Michigan.  It's just like this.  On a lake with a beer and a baby.


We have a new Christian in the house!

Many, many thanks to Fr. Steve Grunow of Word on Fire for coming down to our neck of the woods to baptize Polly and to the many family members who journeyed far and cut vacations short to be with us on this great occasion!

3.  Here are some examples of how Old Scratch tried to spoil the day interspersed with photos that are not related to the text.

My dishwasher broke the night before.  Patrick duct taped it so the tape was barely noticeable and the dishwasher still functioned.

The morning of, in a group effort to get beverages in the coolers, Lucy picked up a 12 pack of beer on the back porch and the box broke!  Broken glass and beer everywhere!

Then after cleaning up that mess, Susan was stirring a glass pitcher of OJ RIGHT BEFORE WE WERE TO WALK OUT THE DOOR, AND THE PITCHER BROKE!  Glass and OJ all over my clean kitchen.

At this point, Patrick, Polly, Jill, and I took off for the church, leaving the oldest four to clean and make their own way.

Polly was a perfect baby for the entire ceremony except for some serious fussiness and squirming during the prayer of exorcism.  But then Fr. Steve called the Holy Spirit down on her, and she settled right down.

4.  The rest of the day was just lovely.  There was no Bacon Cake left.  No ham.  None of the four egg casseroles.  No Prosecco.  It was a great feast!

Then we napped.

My hair looked pretty good too.  Washed it the day before.  Curly friends, you got to get educated in Ouidad.  I read about this nursing friendly dress on this blog.  Thanks, Tess.  Sorry not sorry I got the same print as she did.  It's the prettiest one.

5.  Some of the male party guests were complaining about our gorgeous vegetable garden. I think they were afraid their wives would get ideas.

I'm linking up with Cari's Garden Post. Our harvest has been small so far.  Some lettuce, Swiss Chard, basil, and a total of 2 cucumbers and 9 green beans.  This is our first attempt at vegetable gardening.

Each of those cucumbers cost us about $175.

There are zillions of green tomatoes too.  I'm certain everything will ripen while we are away.  If you live locally, swing by my back yard and help yourselves.  I have a good gazpacho recipe here.

The pepper plants look good, but no peppers.  The watermelon was about the size of a golf ball, but squirrels got it somehow.  It looks like we will do well with pumpkins.  That will save me about $8 this fall.

Next year, I'm growing zucchini and arugula.

Mixing the compost.
BTW, the vegetable garden is all the work of Patrick, Edmund, and Peter.  Any and all flowers are my domain, and they are all dead or mostly dead, which is why they are not pictured.


On Monday, we took our Houston family members to the zoo.  They left from the zoo for the airport, but we stayed and went to the Butterfly House.

Patrick is SKEERED of butterflies, so we have never been there before.

It was gorgeous and magical and I want to live there.  Or at least spend a couple of hours in there with a large iced tea.


Jill is talking about this moment when she says she touched a pig at the zoo.

I suppose that's enough procrastinating.

I will try to keep up with the WWRW posts, but there is a serious lack of internet and even cell coverage where we're going.  Don't you ever think that I'd skip a What We're Reading Wednesday post because I haven't read any books.  Jill would never let that happen.

Linking up with Jennifer @ Conversion Diary and Cari @ Clan Donaldson.


  1. Bacon cake, amazing hair, and the discovery that Patrick is scared of butterflies? Day made.
    Safe travels, and have fun!

  2. I have that same dress, and I'm not even nursing! I had knee surgery a few weeks ago, and it was so much easier to wear a dress than shorts or pants. That dress got lots of use.
    Congratulations and welcome to the new Christian! Sounds like it was a whole mess of work to get to the church on time. Yikes!
    We have had a garden for 8 years now, but tried zucchini for the first time. Wow. The plants are huge, and the zucchini even bigger. They taste good, though, and we are blessing lots of people with them.
    Enjoy your trip! Of course, it's hard not to when you are vacationing at Lake Michigan. Love that place.

    1. Confession. I bought two of the same dress, but the other one is the maxi length. I always do that when I find something I like.

  3. I looked at that picture from the baptism and thought, wow, her hair looks really great, and that's a super cute dress. Right on. :) Hope your vacation is wonderful.

    1. Aw, thanks. Next year, Edel had better watch out! Sorry you're trip was spoiled.

  4. Bacon cake? Yum! And what a lovely baptism - you went all out with the decorations! So beautiful!

    Somehow, methinks we are in the same neck of the woods...Detroit Zoo butterfly house? One of my Gia's favorite places to go! :)

    As for the garden, we are still trying to figure out what works and what doesn't in our small yard and container gardening. We joined a CSA because we found that low lying veggies just didn't work for us - they'd turn out to be tasty animal treats. :( So far, loving the basil, tomatoes, sugar snap peas, and beans. I'll have to check out Cari's linkup!

    1. Oh! And welcome to your new little shiny Christian! :)

    2. Thanks Rakhi! Unfortunately, that's the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. Your zoo probably has elephants. Lucky.

  5. What's wrong with being afraid of butterflies? They are INSECTS. I never go in that tent either. (Solidarity, Patrick)
    The hair is always. Also, not only do you not look like you just had a baby, you also don't look like a mom of 6.

  6. That dress looks gorgeous on you!! Good choice and glad I could point you in its direction. :)

  7. Yay on new little Christians!! Where in MI is your family going? That's where I hail from; we're actually going up to Torch Lake this coming weekend:)
