Thursday, October 23, 2014

Theme Thursday: Good Job!

This is what's happening at St.Jude's School for Kids Who Want to Read Good and Do Other Things Good Too this week.

Linking up with Cari for Theme Thursday.

I have about a dozen really great blog posts in my head, but Polly cried for 3.5 hours because I thought about getting out my laptop.  Someday soon I hope....


  1. Oh, Polly. Let your mama have a minute, okay?

    Your two other homeschooled kids are so gorgeous, Jessica. And I recognize that activity! How are you liking 26 Letters?

    1. Eh. I find the virtues and quotes WAY too advanced for a 3 year old who lacks the ability to understand abstract concepts, as all 3 year old do. That stage of moral development comes much, much later. But we make the letters and read the books. She's loving High Five and Ladybug magazines from the library, and the Starfall app on my phone. Yesterday, she wrote OIOIOIOIOP and identified all the letters. Yay!

  2. That is a cute kitty cat top! Adorable!

  3. That looks like a great letter activity! Polly, go take a nap for your mama!

  4. Good Job, Mama! You are loving all your babies so well!

  5. Ahhh, nothing worse than when you have fifty zillion blog post ideas, but no time to write them! AND, when you finally DO have time…you won't remember a single idea. :p (at least that's what always happens to me! lol)


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Theme Thursday: Good Job!

This is what's happening at St.Jude's School for Kids Who Want to Read Good and Do Other Things Good Too this week.

Linking up with Cari for Theme Thursday.

I have about a dozen really great blog posts in my head, but Polly cried for 3.5 hours because I thought about getting out my laptop.  Someday soon I hope....


  1. Oh, Polly. Let your mama have a minute, okay?

    Your two other homeschooled kids are so gorgeous, Jessica. And I recognize that activity! How are you liking 26 Letters?

    1. Eh. I find the virtues and quotes WAY too advanced for a 3 year old who lacks the ability to understand abstract concepts, as all 3 year old do. That stage of moral development comes much, much later. But we make the letters and read the books. She's loving High Five and Ladybug magazines from the library, and the Starfall app on my phone. Yesterday, she wrote OIOIOIOIOP and identified all the letters. Yay!

  2. That is a cute kitty cat top! Adorable!

  3. That looks like a great letter activity! Polly, go take a nap for your mama!

  4. Good Job, Mama! You are loving all your babies so well!

  5. Ahhh, nothing worse than when you have fifty zillion blog post ideas, but no time to write them! AND, when you finally DO have time…you won't remember a single idea. :p (at least that's what always happens to me! lol)
