Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Philippians are my kind of peeps.

Did anyone else get a personal letter from St. Paul on Sunday?

A reading from the Letter of St. Paul to {Insert Your Name Here}.

Have no anxiety at all,

but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.

Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

whatever is true
whatever is honorable
whatever is just
whatever is pure
whatever is lovely
whatever is gracious
if there is any excellence
and if there is anything worthy of praise
Think about THESE things.

Keep on
doing what have learned 
and received 
and heard 
and seen in me.

Then the God of peace will be with you.

My letter stopped there, but there's another part, just a bit further on, one of my favorite parts for when the going gets rough.

Thanks, Paul.


  1. And all the people said AMEN!

    Thanks for sharing. This is one of my favorite passages of scripture!

  2. I LOVE this!! That first part is one of my favorite Scripture verses:)

  3. Yes. What a balm for a weary soul on Sunday! (And thanks for reminding me today.)

  4. I love when the scriptures feel like they're written AT me. Which is often. Still, so good. Also, I have a biblical crush on St. Paul.

  5. Paul has ALWAYS been my guy. But this week...it was like...it was like for the first time I was hearing the parts about loveliness and graciousness and excellence. The quality of things, not the quantity. His letters, man. They just keep on keepin' on.

  6. Oh yes, they are my kind of people too. This reading really spoke to me this week. Thanks for another great reminder!

  7. Yes, yes, yes. I sure did receive that letter personally, too. Such a gift.

  8. Hi Jessica! I just tagged you in the writing bloghop! :)



Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Philippians are my kind of peeps.

Did anyone else get a personal letter from St. Paul on Sunday?

A reading from the Letter of St. Paul to {Insert Your Name Here}.

Have no anxiety at all,

but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.

Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

whatever is true
whatever is honorable
whatever is just
whatever is pure
whatever is lovely
whatever is gracious
if there is any excellence
and if there is anything worthy of praise
Think about THESE things.

Keep on
doing what have learned 
and received 
and heard 
and seen in me.

Then the God of peace will be with you.

My letter stopped there, but there's another part, just a bit further on, one of my favorite parts for when the going gets rough.

Thanks, Paul.


  1. And all the people said AMEN!

    Thanks for sharing. This is one of my favorite passages of scripture!

  2. I LOVE this!! That first part is one of my favorite Scripture verses:)

  3. Yes. What a balm for a weary soul on Sunday! (And thanks for reminding me today.)

  4. I love when the scriptures feel like they're written AT me. Which is often. Still, so good. Also, I have a biblical crush on St. Paul.

  5. Paul has ALWAYS been my guy. But this week...it was like...it was like for the first time I was hearing the parts about loveliness and graciousness and excellence. The quality of things, not the quantity. His letters, man. They just keep on keepin' on.

  6. Oh yes, they are my kind of people too. This reading really spoke to me this week. Thanks for another great reminder!

  7. Yes, yes, yes. I sure did receive that letter personally, too. Such a gift.

  8. Hi Jessica! I just tagged you in the writing bloghop! :)

