Wednesday, August 20, 2014

WWRW: Heaven Is For Real

It was 2 years ago on July 17th that my sister Mary's passed into eternal life. Wondering what she's up to now, I read Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back by Todd Burpo.

I had already been told about most of the tales of 4 year old Colton Burpo's experience in heaven, but a few details I found to be of note.

1.  The wounds of Christ.

Colton, a Protestant kid, raised by his Protestant pastor father, mother, and faith community mentions "Jesus' markers" first when asked to describe what Jesus looks like. Colton had likely never seen a crucifix. It is only after further discussion that his father realizes that by "markers" Colton is referring to the five wounds of Christ.

2.  People wear white robes? And different colored sashes?

Um.  Boring.  Lame-o.  Upon further reflection, I wonder if Colton experienced a PG version of heaven.  I mean, Adam and Eve didn't wear clothes in the first paradise, so I'm kind of wondering why we'll be wearing clothes in the second one, what with our glorified bodies and all.

However, if we are going to be clothed in the afterlife, it's going to be way better clothing than white albs and dolmadic sashes like deacons. C'mon. I have often thought that with my sister Mary's embroidery skills, she might be spending some heavenly free time working on some gorgeous robes for The Mary.

3.  Animals.

As I said on Facebook today, Colton says he saw lots of animals in heaven: dogs, horses, birds, and even a lion. Nowhere in the book does Colton say he saw any cats. Make of that what you will.

Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back is light and easy reading.  I'd let any kid read it.  Todd does mention his wife's miscarriage, and how Colton met his sister in heaven, as well as heavenly battle to be fought with swords against Satan and his angels.

I told Edmund that (according to Colton) there are swords in heaven and that Jesus has a sword.  He immediately wanted to know how many and what kind.  That kid.  sigh.

One more thing. I read the first Gabriel Allon book, The Kill Artist by Daniel Silva, and it wasn't nearly as clean, or as good a read as Fallen Angel. The Kill Artist has lots of sex. Allon is still a virtuous man (though he hasn't always been) but the bad guys in this book like to use and sometimes abuse women. Consider yourself warned.


  1. Hi Jessica! I miss playing along for WWRW! I just haven't been reading much lately.

    I did just finish a short YA Catholic novel that I need to review, so perhaps I'll be back next Wed.

    I've been interested in this book (and movie). Do you give it a ringing endorsement, or is it just okay?

  2. I L'edOL at your observation re: cats. :-) I read the book and had a similar overall impression.

  3. I've always been a little leery of books like "Heaven Is For Real" and therefore never made time to check them out, so your review is really helpful. It is interesting that he described Christ's wounds!

  4. I enjoyed the book and breezed through it but my impression was that Christ showed Colton the Heaven that he would understand, if that makes sense. For example, when Colton meets his older, miscarried sister she is a child. Some people I know read that and said: we'll all be young in Heaven! but I read it and thought, "she looked as she needed to look for a very young boy to understand who she was."

  5. This is one of my favorite books!! Our local Catholic radio station had a free screening of the movie when it came out...not as good as the book but still glad I went.
    I love what he says about Jesus' cool!

  6. I'm a cat person, but your comment still made me giggle.
    Memory Eternal to your sister

  7. I read the book earlier this summer, and enjoyed reading it. I agree with your review. Bonnie's comment is an interesting thought. And p.s. - I am so with you on the cats. ;)

  8. I love that book and just finished re reading it!! I've had two miscarriages and the part where he meets his sister in heaven made me cry... Again. Happy tears.

    I'll have to tell my husband about the lack of cats, ha ha!


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

WWRW: Heaven Is For Real

It was 2 years ago on July 17th that my sister Mary's passed into eternal life. Wondering what she's up to now, I read Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back by Todd Burpo.

I had already been told about most of the tales of 4 year old Colton Burpo's experience in heaven, but a few details I found to be of note.

1.  The wounds of Christ.

Colton, a Protestant kid, raised by his Protestant pastor father, mother, and faith community mentions "Jesus' markers" first when asked to describe what Jesus looks like. Colton had likely never seen a crucifix. It is only after further discussion that his father realizes that by "markers" Colton is referring to the five wounds of Christ.

2.  People wear white robes? And different colored sashes?

Um.  Boring.  Lame-o.  Upon further reflection, I wonder if Colton experienced a PG version of heaven.  I mean, Adam and Eve didn't wear clothes in the first paradise, so I'm kind of wondering why we'll be wearing clothes in the second one, what with our glorified bodies and all.

However, if we are going to be clothed in the afterlife, it's going to be way better clothing than white albs and dolmadic sashes like deacons. C'mon. I have often thought that with my sister Mary's embroidery skills, she might be spending some heavenly free time working on some gorgeous robes for The Mary.

3.  Animals.

As I said on Facebook today, Colton says he saw lots of animals in heaven: dogs, horses, birds, and even a lion. Nowhere in the book does Colton say he saw any cats. Make of that what you will.

Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back is light and easy reading.  I'd let any kid read it.  Todd does mention his wife's miscarriage, and how Colton met his sister in heaven, as well as heavenly battle to be fought with swords against Satan and his angels.

I told Edmund that (according to Colton) there are swords in heaven and that Jesus has a sword.  He immediately wanted to know how many and what kind.  That kid.  sigh.

One more thing. I read the first Gabriel Allon book, The Kill Artist by Daniel Silva, and it wasn't nearly as clean, or as good a read as Fallen Angel. The Kill Artist has lots of sex. Allon is still a virtuous man (though he hasn't always been) but the bad guys in this book like to use and sometimes abuse women. Consider yourself warned.


  1. Hi Jessica! I miss playing along for WWRW! I just haven't been reading much lately.

    I did just finish a short YA Catholic novel that I need to review, so perhaps I'll be back next Wed.

    I've been interested in this book (and movie). Do you give it a ringing endorsement, or is it just okay?

  2. I L'edOL at your observation re: cats. :-) I read the book and had a similar overall impression.

  3. I've always been a little leery of books like "Heaven Is For Real" and therefore never made time to check them out, so your review is really helpful. It is interesting that he described Christ's wounds!

  4. I enjoyed the book and breezed through it but my impression was that Christ showed Colton the Heaven that he would understand, if that makes sense. For example, when Colton meets his older, miscarried sister she is a child. Some people I know read that and said: we'll all be young in Heaven! but I read it and thought, "she looked as she needed to look for a very young boy to understand who she was."

  5. This is one of my favorite books!! Our local Catholic radio station had a free screening of the movie when it came out...not as good as the book but still glad I went.
    I love what he says about Jesus' cool!

  6. I'm a cat person, but your comment still made me giggle.
    Memory Eternal to your sister

  7. I read the book earlier this summer, and enjoyed reading it. I agree with your review. Bonnie's comment is an interesting thought. And p.s. - I am so with you on the cats. ;)

  8. I love that book and just finished re reading it!! I've had two miscarriages and the part where he meets his sister in heaven made me cry... Again. Happy tears.

    I'll have to tell my husband about the lack of cats, ha ha!
