Wednesday, September 17, 2014

WWRW: Free Kids' Books for Your Kindle

We've got a lovely field trip planned on this beautiful day.

That means I'm not going to write a lengthy post.

I know I should write these posts in advance, but

2.5 month old baby + 3 year old + 2nd week of homeschooling  = treading water.

To placate you, I will direct your attention to someone else's blog where she identifies 175 classic books that you can downloard FO FREE!

Most of the titles on this post are children's literature. There are 80+ titles from G.A. Henty.  He writes historical fiction that appears to be aimed at the young male reader. I wrote about G.A. Henty last year, before we were homeschoolers.

Now the post I'm sending you to is from 2012, and I clicked on the free link for In the Reign of Terror pictured above, and it didn't work.  But today when I searched Amazon for In the Reign of Terror, it was still there and it was still free.  Hopefully, that was the only broken link.

Of course, there is the link-up.  There are always good book recs in the link-up.


  1. Hey, I'm right there with ya Kitty! Hope the rest of the week turns around, or the magical homeschooling fairies visit your house (and mine!).

  2. Oh, I love Morton Arboretum!! Hubby and I had one of our first dates there. :) (We met at Wheaton!).

  3. Hang in there, Kitty. Be kind to yourself. (Late linking, cheater version.)

  4. I downloaded so many of those books, thank you for linking to them!

  5. Hi Housewifespice,

    We have just sent you a message through email regarding our project. is a social platform for recipe blogs/sites owners and it helps to reach more people, get more visibility on the web and share/save recipes.

    We only index first image of your recipe and to see your full recipe, the visitor must go to your blog/site.

    If you like it, you can join through here

    This is one way to share your recipes to the world and it can also help you to increase your blog traffic.

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    Have a good day!

    Best regards,


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

WWRW: Free Kids' Books for Your Kindle

We've got a lovely field trip planned on this beautiful day.

That means I'm not going to write a lengthy post.

I know I should write these posts in advance, but

2.5 month old baby + 3 year old + 2nd week of homeschooling  = treading water.

To placate you, I will direct your attention to someone else's blog where she identifies 175 classic books that you can downloard FO FREE!

Most of the titles on this post are children's literature. There are 80+ titles from G.A. Henty.  He writes historical fiction that appears to be aimed at the young male reader. I wrote about G.A. Henty last year, before we were homeschoolers.

Now the post I'm sending you to is from 2012, and I clicked on the free link for In the Reign of Terror pictured above, and it didn't work.  But today when I searched Amazon for In the Reign of Terror, it was still there and it was still free.  Hopefully, that was the only broken link.

Of course, there is the link-up.  There are always good book recs in the link-up.


  1. Hey, I'm right there with ya Kitty! Hope the rest of the week turns around, or the magical homeschooling fairies visit your house (and mine!).

  2. Oh, I love Morton Arboretum!! Hubby and I had one of our first dates there. :) (We met at Wheaton!).

  3. Hang in there, Kitty. Be kind to yourself. (Late linking, cheater version.)

  4. I downloaded so many of those books, thank you for linking to them!

  5. Hi Housewifespice,

    We have just sent you a message through email regarding our project. is a social platform for recipe blogs/sites owners and it helps to reach more people, get more visibility on the web and share/save recipes.

    We only index first image of your recipe and to see your full recipe, the visitor must go to your blog/site.

    If you like it, you can join through here

    This is one way to share your recipes to the world and it can also help you to increase your blog traffic.

    Full information has been sent to your email.

    Have a good day!

    Best regards,
