Wednesday, September 3, 2014

WWRW: Twitter Style

I've got a lot of books and a little time, so I'm going to review these titles in 140 characters or less. Give or take.

Pioneer Girl: A Novel by Bich Ming Ngyuen

Tries too hard.  Vietnamese American girl with a connection to Rose Wilder Lane travels the country to do research and hooks up with a few guys along the way.  #disappointed #adultbook

Slob by Ellen Potter

Fat kid who gained all of his weight since #spoiler his parents' double murder.  Adopted by 911 dispatcher.  Tries to find the killer with a long shot science project.  #icried #teensandup

One for the Murphys by Lynda Mulally Hunt

Girl enters foster care because her mom's boyfriend nearly beat her to death.  Did her mom really hold her down while he beat her?  #toodark  #icried #makeyourkidsreadhappierstuff #teensandup

Navigating Early by Clare Vanderpool

Best written book of this post.  Autistic kid before autism had a name in a prep school in ME befriends KS kid whose mom just died.  WWII.  Bootleggers.  Fiction that borders on fantasy.  #middleschoolandup  #awesome @vanderpool wrote #newbery #moonovermanifest

We Have a Baby by Cathryn Falwell

Please read this book slowly, thoughtfully, and in a gentle voice.  Jill and I love this one. #greatnewbabybook #breastfeeding #agesonetothree


  1. We've been reading a gazillion picture books the last couple weeks and I was too overwhelmed to put them in a post. Going to give this a try, #inspired

  2. When I first saw the cover picture of The Pioneer Girl, I thought it looked like it was going to be such a sweet little book. Your quick review let me know otherwise! Don't judge a book by it's cover, I guess. LOL!

  3. Pinning...such great book rec!

    Thanks for sharing....and for hosting WWRW.....Slob looks especially intriguing---wow, thank you
    God bless

  4. Twitter reviews are a great idea! I may borrow that some busy homeschooling week! :)

    Clare Vanderpool is pretty amazing, isn't she? I loved the way everything came together in Navigating Early. (It may have been a little too perfect, but I'm okay with that!)

  5. I've been meaning to read Navigating Early ever since I loved Moon Over Manifest.

  6. So what age group is Navigating Early and Moon over Manifest for? We were just gifted them. I dutifuly searched the site! : )


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

WWRW: Twitter Style

I've got a lot of books and a little time, so I'm going to review these titles in 140 characters or less. Give or take.

Pioneer Girl: A Novel by Bich Ming Ngyuen

Tries too hard.  Vietnamese American girl with a connection to Rose Wilder Lane travels the country to do research and hooks up with a few guys along the way.  #disappointed #adultbook

Slob by Ellen Potter

Fat kid who gained all of his weight since #spoiler his parents' double murder.  Adopted by 911 dispatcher.  Tries to find the killer with a long shot science project.  #icried #teensandup

One for the Murphys by Lynda Mulally Hunt

Girl enters foster care because her mom's boyfriend nearly beat her to death.  Did her mom really hold her down while he beat her?  #toodark  #icried #makeyourkidsreadhappierstuff #teensandup

Navigating Early by Clare Vanderpool

Best written book of this post.  Autistic kid before autism had a name in a prep school in ME befriends KS kid whose mom just died.  WWII.  Bootleggers.  Fiction that borders on fantasy.  #middleschoolandup  #awesome @vanderpool wrote #newbery #moonovermanifest

We Have a Baby by Cathryn Falwell

Please read this book slowly, thoughtfully, and in a gentle voice.  Jill and I love this one. #greatnewbabybook #breastfeeding #agesonetothree


  1. We've been reading a gazillion picture books the last couple weeks and I was too overwhelmed to put them in a post. Going to give this a try, #inspired

  2. When I first saw the cover picture of The Pioneer Girl, I thought it looked like it was going to be such a sweet little book. Your quick review let me know otherwise! Don't judge a book by it's cover, I guess. LOL!

  3. Pinning...such great book rec!

    Thanks for sharing....and for hosting WWRW.....Slob looks especially intriguing---wow, thank you
    God bless

  4. Twitter reviews are a great idea! I may borrow that some busy homeschooling week! :)

    Clare Vanderpool is pretty amazing, isn't she? I loved the way everything came together in Navigating Early. (It may have been a little too perfect, but I'm okay with that!)

  5. I've been meaning to read Navigating Early ever since I loved Moon Over Manifest.

  6. So what age group is Navigating Early and Moon over Manifest for? We were just gifted them. I dutifuly searched the site! : )
