Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jesse Tree Ornament Swap Update

Baby Jesus and Ruth

Kathy and Lena are finished, signed, sealed, and delivered.  Aren't these lovely?  Just what I hoped for. 

I've had a few people back out, but luckily, had a few more willing souls. 

Isn't this "Elizabeth" precious?  I just love her.  You can read all about how Charlotte made her here.

I did get contact info for everyone on my list last Friday.  Hallelujah!

I am really enjoying all my new friends.  I couldn't do it alone.  Thank you! 
Here is the assignment list in all of its glory:

 1. Jesse Tree or Stump 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Amanda

2.  Adam (sun or earth) Genesis 1:24-28 Karen

3.  Eve (Apple and Snake) Genesis 3: 1-24 Blair

4.  Noah (ark or rainbow) Genesis 6:11-22, 8:6-12  Elizabeth C.

5.  Abraham and Sarah (tent) Genesis 12:1-7, 13:2-18  Ingrid

6. Isaac and Rebecca (ram or lamb or silver pitcher or bundle of wood or altar) Genesis 22:1-14  Mary

7.  Jacob and Rachel (ladder) Genesis 27:41 and 28:22  Cal Fan

8.  Prophecy of Isaiah (one of these names: "And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace", or  throne of David) Isaiah 9:2-7  Jessica

9.  Joseph (many colored coat) Genesis 37:1-36  Anne H.

10.  Moses (tablets of commandments or burning bush or baby in basket) Exodus 20:1-17  Emily B.

11.  Aaron  (rod and serpent or blessing hand) Numbers 6:22-27 Cassandra

12.  Samuel (lamp) 1 Samuel 3: 1-21  E. Simmons

13.  David (harp or slingshot) 1 Samuel 16:14-23  Mary Kate D.

14.  Psalm 23:  Good Shepherd (shepherd's crook)  Kerri

15.  Solomon (crown) 1 Kings 3:3-28  Kris M.

16.  Elijah (raven or manna or chariot of fire) 1 Kings 17:1-16 Or choose Joshua or Ruth, but give me a chapter and verse for the handout.  Lena - Ruth

17.  Elisha (dove) 2 Kings 5: 1-27  Or choose Judith or Jonah, but give me a chapter and verse for the handout. taken by So Many Things to Love

18.  Isaiah (scroll, live coal and tongs, anvil and sword, sword and plowshare) Isaiah 6:1-8  Lisa G.

19.  Jeremiah (book of law) Jeremiah 31:31-34 or choose Samson or Daniel, but give me a Bible chapter and verse for the handout.  Angi

20.  Nehemiah  (city of Jerusalem or brick wall) Nehemiah 13:10-22 Michelle

21.  Angel Hebrews1:1-14  Cheryl C.

22.  Zechariah (ark of covenant, or tablet and pencil or chalk, or thurible of incense) Luke 1:5-25  Angela

23.  Mary (heart or lily or any Mary image or symbol) Luke 1:26-38 Dwija

24.  Elizabeth (mother and child or visitation scene) Luke 1: 39-56 Charlotte

25.  John the Baptist (scallop shell with water, river)Luke 1:57-80 Cari D.

26.  Joseph (tools) Matthew 1: 18-2:1  Josee

27. Magi (three crowns, camels, or Bethlehem star)Matthew2:1-12 Rose D.

28. Baby Jesus (or Chi Ro) Luke 2:1-20 Kathy A.

29.  Samson  Kelly C.

30.  Joshua  Becky

31.  Judith or Jonah Lauren

32.  Daniel  Lenetta   


  1. Jessica, I could do it....and could drive them over by Wednesday. Let me know! -Angela honu@wowway.com

  2. Oh how cute.

    The Noah's are coming.... and I can't wait to see the completed ones.

    God bless and Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Everything is looking great so far! It's so fun to see what ornaments everybody is creating!! :)

    Angi :o)


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jesse Tree Ornament Swap Update

Baby Jesus and Ruth

Kathy and Lena are finished, signed, sealed, and delivered.  Aren't these lovely?  Just what I hoped for. 

I've had a few people back out, but luckily, had a few more willing souls. 

Isn't this "Elizabeth" precious?  I just love her.  You can read all about how Charlotte made her here.

I did get contact info for everyone on my list last Friday.  Hallelujah!

I am really enjoying all my new friends.  I couldn't do it alone.  Thank you! 
Here is the assignment list in all of its glory:

 1. Jesse Tree or Stump 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Amanda

2.  Adam (sun or earth) Genesis 1:24-28 Karen

3.  Eve (Apple and Snake) Genesis 3: 1-24 Blair

4.  Noah (ark or rainbow) Genesis 6:11-22, 8:6-12  Elizabeth C.

5.  Abraham and Sarah (tent) Genesis 12:1-7, 13:2-18  Ingrid

6. Isaac and Rebecca (ram or lamb or silver pitcher or bundle of wood or altar) Genesis 22:1-14  Mary

7.  Jacob and Rachel (ladder) Genesis 27:41 and 28:22  Cal Fan

8.  Prophecy of Isaiah (one of these names: "And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace", or  throne of David) Isaiah 9:2-7  Jessica

9.  Joseph (many colored coat) Genesis 37:1-36  Anne H.

10.  Moses (tablets of commandments or burning bush or baby in basket) Exodus 20:1-17  Emily B.

11.  Aaron  (rod and serpent or blessing hand) Numbers 6:22-27 Cassandra

12.  Samuel (lamp) 1 Samuel 3: 1-21  E. Simmons

13.  David (harp or slingshot) 1 Samuel 16:14-23  Mary Kate D.

14.  Psalm 23:  Good Shepherd (shepherd's crook)  Kerri

15.  Solomon (crown) 1 Kings 3:3-28  Kris M.

16.  Elijah (raven or manna or chariot of fire) 1 Kings 17:1-16 Or choose Joshua or Ruth, but give me a chapter and verse for the handout.  Lena - Ruth

17.  Elisha (dove) 2 Kings 5: 1-27  Or choose Judith or Jonah, but give me a chapter and verse for the handout. taken by So Many Things to Love

18.  Isaiah (scroll, live coal and tongs, anvil and sword, sword and plowshare) Isaiah 6:1-8  Lisa G.

19.  Jeremiah (book of law) Jeremiah 31:31-34 or choose Samson or Daniel, but give me a Bible chapter and verse for the handout.  Angi

20.  Nehemiah  (city of Jerusalem or brick wall) Nehemiah 13:10-22 Michelle

21.  Angel Hebrews1:1-14  Cheryl C.

22.  Zechariah (ark of covenant, or tablet and pencil or chalk, or thurible of incense) Luke 1:5-25  Angela

23.  Mary (heart or lily or any Mary image or symbol) Luke 1:26-38 Dwija

24.  Elizabeth (mother and child or visitation scene) Luke 1: 39-56 Charlotte

25.  John the Baptist (scallop shell with water, river)Luke 1:57-80 Cari D.

26.  Joseph (tools) Matthew 1: 18-2:1  Josee

27. Magi (three crowns, camels, or Bethlehem star)Matthew2:1-12 Rose D.

28. Baby Jesus (or Chi Ro) Luke 2:1-20 Kathy A.

29.  Samson  Kelly C.

30.  Joshua  Becky

31.  Judith or Jonah Lauren

32.  Daniel  Lenetta   


  1. Jessica, I could do it....and could drive them over by Wednesday. Let me know! -Angela honu@wowway.com

  2. Oh how cute.

    The Noah's are coming.... and I can't wait to see the completed ones.

    God bless and Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Everything is looking great so far! It's so fun to see what ornaments everybody is creating!! :)

    Angi :o)
