Saturday, November 24, 2012

Seven Quick Takes

7 quick takes sm1 Your 7 Quick Takes Toolkit!


Gratuitous make up take.  Move along boys, move along.

But for you ladies, I read Hallie Lord's link up post here, in which she refers to an edifying list of reviewed BB creams here.  Honestly, I had never heard of BB creams.  But I read the list, and on my next sojourn to Warmalt, I picked up this little game changer.

And I experimented.  This stuff comes out white and grainy, but when you rub it on your face the little color beads burst and turn into regular smooth skin colored cream.  I didn't believe it either, but it does!  

My favorite part about the L'oreal Magic Skin Beautifier BB Cream is that it is Matte finish.  I don't know about you, but when a cosmetologist tells me a product leaves a "dewy finish," I translate that as "oily, sweaty, high shine"  because my face generates enough "dew" on its own.  Thankyouverymuch.

I rarely use grocery store products, because I hate makeup that smells, and I hate buying something that I can't test first.  Let's face it, grocery store testers are gross, if they haven't walked off already.  But at under $10, this product was something I will recommend.


Have you heard about my Jesse Tree Ornament Swap?  

It's incredible how many timely, organized, creative people have already sent or brought or completed their ornaments.  

Samuel, Moses, and Adam showed up yesterday.  Aren't they lovely?

I am not one of those people.

C'mon.  I'm doing my Friday QT's on Saturday, so I'm running a bit behind.  


Trying to write these Quick Takes, quickly.  Last night, after a Mexican dinner in honor of the Feast of Blessed Miguel Pro, we did NOT watch For the Greater Glory, but instead watched The Amazing Spider-man.   Naturally.

Everybody liked it!  It's quite good.  And very family friendly.  Check it out.

For the Greater Glory is very good too, but also very violent.  Definitely not for the little ones. 


I am an avid movie-goer-watcher-lover.  The Chef...not so much.  I'm trying to get him to take me to the theater tonight to see Argo or Lincoln or Wreck-It Ralph.  What do you recommend?


Did you read Grace's quick takes?  

Nashville.  We are loving it.  Big time Connie Briton fans, Nashville fans, country music fans.  And we are enjoying the show too.  But yes, there should be more music, less politics.


Speaking of Grace...did you hear I won a giveaway?  I won $50 to Modern Furniture Warehouse and was planning to buy this wreath. 

But, alas, they were out of stock, and I do believe I might be able to find something similar for a wee bit less than the $217 plus change they charge.

I did get to upgrade our mailbox though.  Look at this beautiful copper creation!

Will it turn that beautiful greenish/aqua patina with age?  I certainly hope so.  It's classy, and classic, and reminds me of Lyle Novinski's hand pierced copper lanterns that surround the Church of the Incarnation at the University of Dallas.  Oh, how I love that holy space.


The Chef and I are in discussions about a tentative family voyage to South Dakota.  Why South Dakota?  Because Edmund had a Social Studies test that included Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse.  Yes, I realize that there will be many more Social Studies test, but somehow the Mesabi Range of Minnesota, the nation's source for iron ore, didn't strike a chord with me the same way.  

We've often talked about a "big trip out West someday," and now faced with the idea that our chicks will leave the nest for college and adulthood in the next few (1.5) years, we better get a move on.

The Chef wants to include mountain, Tetons, I think he said.  I want to include Wall Drug and outlet malls.  So pour forth your Western wisdom.  We are total greenhorns about this part of the world.

Go see Jen and co. for yesterday's quick takes.


  1. Please do not be too disappointed when our ornaments arrive, okay?

    My kids want to see Mt. Rushmore SO badly. Maybe someday. It really is a gorgeous part of the country. America is truly amazing, and I say that without any sarcasm or jest :)

    1. I saw your pics and I tried to comment over and over again on your post. Rambling thoughts like how much the fleur de lis reminds me of home and my bff church, the Old Cathedral in St. Louis, under the Arch, where they have these beautiful larger than life white statues of French saints, like King Louis and badass Joan. (that's not sacrilegious, right?)

      Surprisingly, SD is NOT that Far! 13 hours drive for us, what like 15-16 for you? Let's caravan!

  2. Argo and Wreck-It Ralph were both good. My one beef with Wreck-It Ralph was Sarah Silverman's character. The only element that she, as a comedian, brought to the table was of the "you're a doody diaper head" variety and since the rest of it was witty and charming, that really took away from the movie as a whole.

    1. We saw Starfall. Our first Bond experience. It was fun!

  3. My parents and younger siblings went to Mt. Rushmore 3 summers ago and the pictures are amazing. We've been out west a few times (road trips as a kid and then to Colorado a couple times more recently). The West is awesome! You should totally do it.

  4. I forgot to mention...while you're in S. Dakota, you could check out Badlands National Park. I think it's about and hour and a half from Mt. Rushmore.

    1. Badlands, yes, this is the info/advice I'm looking for! Thanks!

  5. Do it Do it! My sister lived in Wyoming for two years and I envy her photos. Mt Rushmore, Glacier and Yellowstone- I want to do it all. So please blog it all so I can live vicariously through you. Or maybe take my hubby there for his 40th bday??

  6. I've heard fabulous things about the Rafter Bar J Ranch ( or some name really similar) from numerous friends/relatives who've done that trip with big families. And checking out the monument at night. And 2nd the badlands. Glacier is out if this world amazing but quite a bit farther drive. Yellowstone is closer by far.

  7. I've got a friend who did this while living in Rochester MN. I don't remember the whole itinerary, but I know it included Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, seeing us in Denver, and a stay at a Little House on the prairie living museum kind of place. I'll get her to send you info. It was a terrific trip and they all loved it! They did it with 3 girls aged 7 and under, plus two dogs!

  8. We absolutely LOVED SD! I thought it would be a quick weekend getaway, but we were actually crunched for time. Mt. Rushmore was amazing, Crazy Horse was a let down (seriously big let down), looking for wildlife on the the wildlife loop was great-we even saw burrows and big horned sheep, driving through the black hills was great (there are some pigtail bridges that my kids loved), Wind cave and Jewel cave were fun (but I don't recommend doing the same day), Mammoth site was over priced and over-rated (in my opinion), needles highway was really neat and the lake near it was fun. We stayed at the Ingalls Homestead and stayed in a covered wagon over night-highlight of the trip for my girls!
    Touring De Smet was fun, but since we had younger kids we skipped the other Ingalls tours in town. Don't forget about the Badlands! Devils Tower in WY is only about an hour from Mt Rushmore. Theodore Roosevelt NP in ND is 5.5 hrs (I'm not sure what part of the country you're in, but we thought we should check it out being that "close" to ND). I was pleasantly surprised. We homeschool so we always hit up the Jr. Ranger programs at any National Park or National Monument. Mt Rushmore jr ranger program is great (I recommend even if you don't homeschool). I hope that helps some! I only wish we had spent more time at Mt. Rushmore. I could have stared in awe for a few days longer.

  9. Hi, Jessica if you like to see, here is a sneak peek to Noah's Ark.
    God bless!


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Seven Quick Takes

7 quick takes sm1 Your 7 Quick Takes Toolkit!


Gratuitous make up take.  Move along boys, move along.

But for you ladies, I read Hallie Lord's link up post here, in which she refers to an edifying list of reviewed BB creams here.  Honestly, I had never heard of BB creams.  But I read the list, and on my next sojourn to Warmalt, I picked up this little game changer.

And I experimented.  This stuff comes out white and grainy, but when you rub it on your face the little color beads burst and turn into regular smooth skin colored cream.  I didn't believe it either, but it does!  

My favorite part about the L'oreal Magic Skin Beautifier BB Cream is that it is Matte finish.  I don't know about you, but when a cosmetologist tells me a product leaves a "dewy finish," I translate that as "oily, sweaty, high shine"  because my face generates enough "dew" on its own.  Thankyouverymuch.

I rarely use grocery store products, because I hate makeup that smells, and I hate buying something that I can't test first.  Let's face it, grocery store testers are gross, if they haven't walked off already.  But at under $10, this product was something I will recommend.


Have you heard about my Jesse Tree Ornament Swap?  

It's incredible how many timely, organized, creative people have already sent or brought or completed their ornaments.  

Samuel, Moses, and Adam showed up yesterday.  Aren't they lovely?

I am not one of those people.

C'mon.  I'm doing my Friday QT's on Saturday, so I'm running a bit behind.  


Trying to write these Quick Takes, quickly.  Last night, after a Mexican dinner in honor of the Feast of Blessed Miguel Pro, we did NOT watch For the Greater Glory, but instead watched The Amazing Spider-man.   Naturally.

Everybody liked it!  It's quite good.  And very family friendly.  Check it out.

For the Greater Glory is very good too, but also very violent.  Definitely not for the little ones. 


I am an avid movie-goer-watcher-lover.  The Chef...not so much.  I'm trying to get him to take me to the theater tonight to see Argo or Lincoln or Wreck-It Ralph.  What do you recommend?


Did you read Grace's quick takes?  

Nashville.  We are loving it.  Big time Connie Briton fans, Nashville fans, country music fans.  And we are enjoying the show too.  But yes, there should be more music, less politics.


Speaking of Grace...did you hear I won a giveaway?  I won $50 to Modern Furniture Warehouse and was planning to buy this wreath. 

But, alas, they were out of stock, and I do believe I might be able to find something similar for a wee bit less than the $217 plus change they charge.

I did get to upgrade our mailbox though.  Look at this beautiful copper creation!

Will it turn that beautiful greenish/aqua patina with age?  I certainly hope so.  It's classy, and classic, and reminds me of Lyle Novinski's hand pierced copper lanterns that surround the Church of the Incarnation at the University of Dallas.  Oh, how I love that holy space.


The Chef and I are in discussions about a tentative family voyage to South Dakota.  Why South Dakota?  Because Edmund had a Social Studies test that included Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse.  Yes, I realize that there will be many more Social Studies test, but somehow the Mesabi Range of Minnesota, the nation's source for iron ore, didn't strike a chord with me the same way.  

We've often talked about a "big trip out West someday," and now faced with the idea that our chicks will leave the nest for college and adulthood in the next few (1.5) years, we better get a move on.

The Chef wants to include mountain, Tetons, I think he said.  I want to include Wall Drug and outlet malls.  So pour forth your Western wisdom.  We are total greenhorns about this part of the world.

Go see Jen and co. for yesterday's quick takes.


  1. Please do not be too disappointed when our ornaments arrive, okay?

    My kids want to see Mt. Rushmore SO badly. Maybe someday. It really is a gorgeous part of the country. America is truly amazing, and I say that without any sarcasm or jest :)

    1. I saw your pics and I tried to comment over and over again on your post. Rambling thoughts like how much the fleur de lis reminds me of home and my bff church, the Old Cathedral in St. Louis, under the Arch, where they have these beautiful larger than life white statues of French saints, like King Louis and badass Joan. (that's not sacrilegious, right?)

      Surprisingly, SD is NOT that Far! 13 hours drive for us, what like 15-16 for you? Let's caravan!

  2. Argo and Wreck-It Ralph were both good. My one beef with Wreck-It Ralph was Sarah Silverman's character. The only element that she, as a comedian, brought to the table was of the "you're a doody diaper head" variety and since the rest of it was witty and charming, that really took away from the movie as a whole.

    1. We saw Starfall. Our first Bond experience. It was fun!

  3. My parents and younger siblings went to Mt. Rushmore 3 summers ago and the pictures are amazing. We've been out west a few times (road trips as a kid and then to Colorado a couple times more recently). The West is awesome! You should totally do it.

  4. I forgot to mention...while you're in S. Dakota, you could check out Badlands National Park. I think it's about and hour and a half from Mt. Rushmore.

    1. Badlands, yes, this is the info/advice I'm looking for! Thanks!

  5. Do it Do it! My sister lived in Wyoming for two years and I envy her photos. Mt Rushmore, Glacier and Yellowstone- I want to do it all. So please blog it all so I can live vicariously through you. Or maybe take my hubby there for his 40th bday??

  6. I've heard fabulous things about the Rafter Bar J Ranch ( or some name really similar) from numerous friends/relatives who've done that trip with big families. And checking out the monument at night. And 2nd the badlands. Glacier is out if this world amazing but quite a bit farther drive. Yellowstone is closer by far.

  7. I've got a friend who did this while living in Rochester MN. I don't remember the whole itinerary, but I know it included Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, seeing us in Denver, and a stay at a Little House on the prairie living museum kind of place. I'll get her to send you info. It was a terrific trip and they all loved it! They did it with 3 girls aged 7 and under, plus two dogs!

  8. We absolutely LOVED SD! I thought it would be a quick weekend getaway, but we were actually crunched for time. Mt. Rushmore was amazing, Crazy Horse was a let down (seriously big let down), looking for wildlife on the the wildlife loop was great-we even saw burrows and big horned sheep, driving through the black hills was great (there are some pigtail bridges that my kids loved), Wind cave and Jewel cave were fun (but I don't recommend doing the same day), Mammoth site was over priced and over-rated (in my opinion), needles highway was really neat and the lake near it was fun. We stayed at the Ingalls Homestead and stayed in a covered wagon over night-highlight of the trip for my girls!
    Touring De Smet was fun, but since we had younger kids we skipped the other Ingalls tours in town. Don't forget about the Badlands! Devils Tower in WY is only about an hour from Mt Rushmore. Theodore Roosevelt NP in ND is 5.5 hrs (I'm not sure what part of the country you're in, but we thought we should check it out being that "close" to ND). I was pleasantly surprised. We homeschool so we always hit up the Jr. Ranger programs at any National Park or National Monument. Mt Rushmore jr ranger program is great (I recommend even if you don't homeschool). I hope that helps some! I only wish we had spent more time at Mt. Rushmore. I could have stared in awe for a few days longer.

  9. Hi, Jessica if you like to see, here is a sneak peek to Noah's Ark.
    God bless!
