Sunday, November 25, 2012

What I Wore on Thanksgiving

My apologies to all of my male readers and all of my fashionista readers and all of my readers who couldn't care less what I wore on Thanksgiving.

Bummer.  You can't even see the best part.  These shoes from Eddie Bauer are the bomb and I wear them with everything.

Yes, everything.  Black heels and laces mean I can wear them with black pants and skirts and tights and you can't stop me.

You can see my nostril flare, as I'm gritting my teeth and saying "Did you take it yet?"

And you can see ALLL four counties of my shiny forehead.  Is that the thermostat coming out of my elbow?  I think I can see a nickel on the floor.

Shirt:  new Eddie Bauer
Sweater:  old Marshalls
Skirt:  way old JCP Worthington
Tights:  Merona from Walmart
Shoes:  you already heard
Hair:  hot rollers from my brother-in-law in the Christmas gift exchange like 12 years ago.  In the event of a fire, I would probably grab them.
Earrings:  pearls from the Chef last Christmas 

I wish I could take nice outdoor pics like everyone else, but by the time I did this, it was pitch black and raining outside.  Yes, I agree, that might have been better.


  1. ha.

    hath hell frozen over???

    I would've put Fulwiler over you participating so I'm super flattered you humored ridiculous me.

    and I love that you are rocking some EB ... I worked there in high school and it is SERIOUSLY underrated ... like Lands End.

    anyway -- you look great. If I look 1/2 that great with 5 kids under my belt/uterus ... I'll be thrilled ... if I look 1/2 that great with 3 kids under my belt/uterus .... I'll be thrilled as well.

    keep me posted on your visit .. Im going to see Tasha this week! Hope I dont make a poor first impression.

    1. Hmmm...well, I can't decide if participating in fashion linkups is an act of vanity or an act of humility. Either way, I need a better photographer.

      I am a crazy EB addict. Yesterday, everything single thing I was wearing was from there, save unmentionables of course. I love the new crewnec tees with the lace fronts and the ruffle front cardis, at $70 a pop, I had to limit myself to one color. And the curvy skinny jeans. Oprah is so right about those. I get phone calls from my peeps at the local EB when the special sales for gold level frequent spenders are happening. I have a problem.

      You will love Tasha. Lucy just asked her to be her confirmation sponsor. Converts rock. Seriously, I love her to death. And those littles. I'm so happy you're getting together.

  2. The gritted smile....quite familiar with that one and GREAT hair!!! I'm inept with the curlers, every few years I give it another try and fail....Blessings and those shoes are pretty great, I am liking them way better than the flat bootie things I've been seeing lately..

  3. Your hair is fantastic! I love the plaid shirt and I would wear those shoes with everything too!

  4. I just got a pair of red Danskos that I am making a neutral shoe, I totally get it ;) You look fabulous!


Sunday, November 25, 2012

What I Wore on Thanksgiving

My apologies to all of my male readers and all of my fashionista readers and all of my readers who couldn't care less what I wore on Thanksgiving.

Bummer.  You can't even see the best part.  These shoes from Eddie Bauer are the bomb and I wear them with everything.

Yes, everything.  Black heels and laces mean I can wear them with black pants and skirts and tights and you can't stop me.

You can see my nostril flare, as I'm gritting my teeth and saying "Did you take it yet?"

And you can see ALLL four counties of my shiny forehead.  Is that the thermostat coming out of my elbow?  I think I can see a nickel on the floor.

Shirt:  new Eddie Bauer
Sweater:  old Marshalls
Skirt:  way old JCP Worthington
Tights:  Merona from Walmart
Shoes:  you already heard
Hair:  hot rollers from my brother-in-law in the Christmas gift exchange like 12 years ago.  In the event of a fire, I would probably grab them.
Earrings:  pearls from the Chef last Christmas 

I wish I could take nice outdoor pics like everyone else, but by the time I did this, it was pitch black and raining outside.  Yes, I agree, that might have been better.


  1. ha.

    hath hell frozen over???

    I would've put Fulwiler over you participating so I'm super flattered you humored ridiculous me.

    and I love that you are rocking some EB ... I worked there in high school and it is SERIOUSLY underrated ... like Lands End.

    anyway -- you look great. If I look 1/2 that great with 5 kids under my belt/uterus ... I'll be thrilled ... if I look 1/2 that great with 3 kids under my belt/uterus .... I'll be thrilled as well.

    keep me posted on your visit .. Im going to see Tasha this week! Hope I dont make a poor first impression.

    1. Hmmm...well, I can't decide if participating in fashion linkups is an act of vanity or an act of humility. Either way, I need a better photographer.

      I am a crazy EB addict. Yesterday, everything single thing I was wearing was from there, save unmentionables of course. I love the new crewnec tees with the lace fronts and the ruffle front cardis, at $70 a pop, I had to limit myself to one color. And the curvy skinny jeans. Oprah is so right about those. I get phone calls from my peeps at the local EB when the special sales for gold level frequent spenders are happening. I have a problem.

      You will love Tasha. Lucy just asked her to be her confirmation sponsor. Converts rock. Seriously, I love her to death. And those littles. I'm so happy you're getting together.

  2. The gritted smile....quite familiar with that one and GREAT hair!!! I'm inept with the curlers, every few years I give it another try and fail....Blessings and those shoes are pretty great, I am liking them way better than the flat bootie things I've been seeing lately..

  3. Your hair is fantastic! I love the plaid shirt and I would wear those shoes with everything too!

  4. I just got a pair of red Danskos that I am making a neutral shoe, I totally get it ;) You look fabulous!
