Friday, June 20, 2014

7QT: Still Pregnant.

1.  Forget Anna and Elsa.  Jill is only interested in Leonor and Sofia.  She's been asking repeatedly who the Real princesses are, and I was finally able to deliver some names and images besides Princess Kate.

They are lovely little girls, and they have silver shoes just like Jill's.

Also, they are Catholic.

2.  Father's Day was super lame around here.  I thought I'd have somethingone for Patrick for the big day, but it he/she has not arrived as of yet.  

I keep checking my email for tracking info, checking those baby apps hoping to see "Today you will have your baby." but nope.  Nada.

Patrick spent most of Fathers' Day re-creating our Korean Barbecue experience. Food is his recreation and his love language. 

These are Korean dumplings and the traditional 12 side dishes at the authentic restaurant we went to when our kids were out-of-town.  We don't know what most of those dishes are, and neither did our server.

His Father's Day gift to himself.  Omelet thingies here ^.
He made the Galbi beef short ribs, sauteed bok choy, pickled kimchi cabbage, Asian cucumber slaw, and those little omelet roll ups with the green onions served room temp.  Those omelet bites are incredible with a little soy/chili sauce mixture drizzled on them.  Everything was scrumptious.  Even Jill cleaned her plate, eating mostly omelet bites and beef.

Korean beers and water.  I'm pretty sure the water is Gangnam Style.
Some of the credit for that feast goes to Micaela for inspiring me to seek out the mysterious flavors of Korean cuisine.  Go check out her series of interviews with homeschoolers, including one with yours truly.

3.  Run out of summer fun yet?  Multiple rainy days in your part of the world?  

Enter the giveaway for hundreds of pages of Childrens' Activities here.  Also, check out some of the links for free downloads of dot-to-dots, coloring pages, mazes, and more!


Yesterday, I got a package from my sweet sister-in-law, Adaire.  A care package! With chocolate, and lip balm, and hair ties, and jewelry, and the cutest mug you ever saw!  The hair ties and lip balm are going straight in my birth center go bag, should I ever need to actually go there and birth someone.  The chocolate might not be with us very much longer.

The whole kit and kaboodle was adorably packaged.  You really made my day, Adaire. The package and the prayers.  Thank you!

Go check out Ruthiebox, and send someone some love in a care package.

5.  Speaking of surprises and prayers, sometimes you find things where you least expect them.

My kids know their phones are subject to random checks.  Technically, their phones are our phones, since we pay for them.  

Earlier this week I found someone's phone surreptitiously peeking out from under a sofa cushion and decided to take a peek at what she's been up to.

She had been texting a male acquaintance the usual, "hey"  "what's up" stuff.  He asked if she was going on the upcoming group trip to a theme park this weekend. She replied, "Idk.  My mom is due any day."

His response, "Oh, that's right. I've been praying for her."

Some kid who likes my daughter is praying for me?  



6 & 7.   How to Cope with Being 40 weeks Pregnant at the End of June when Temps are in the 90s and You Don't Have Central Air Conditioning

Aside from window units, box fans, ceiling fans, and plenty of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea (iced), I rely on two very important products.

This is Culver's Lemon Ice.  Culver's Lemon Ice is my very best friend.  One scoop is 100 calories and zero fat.  For $1.99, I can face another day.  Cue One Day More theme music...

This is Dr. Teal's Lavender Epsom Salt Soaking Solution.  I put about a cup or more in my bath before bedtime and I not only watch my cankles disappear, but I can sleep comfortably until the birds start chirping at the buttcrack of dawn. The 4 to 40 bathroom trips don't even phase me.  Grace told me about this magic brew, but my midwives recommend it too.

That wraps up another whiny week with Jessica.  Go see Kathryn for people with better quick takes and better attitudes.  Do I dare to hope that I'll be in a better mood next week with better news?


  1. Can I join in the grump? Same situation over here, except it's my first and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF!!!!!! I knitted all the booties, cleaned all the corners, folded and re-folded all the things, WHEN IS HE COMING??????
    Thank you. I will now take my bad attitude elsewhere.

  2. I do hope that you get some consolation in your current pregnancy discomfort, but I for one am selfishly thankful you're still here to blog, because REAL PRINCESSES!?!?!?! Second Shift of Kid (4yo) just asked me about real princesses, and I too was stuck at Kate. You have done me a huge service, and I hope my prayers do something for you & 6.0.

  3. FYI - Epsom salts are magnesium and magnesium is what they give moms to STOP labor. If you've reached your due date I'd think about taking warm baths withOUT the Epsom salts!

  4. #5! Oh my! That made me smile big smiles. He sounds like a nice guy!

    And that Ruthiebox? What a great idea!!!

    Hoping your little package arrives today!

  5. Did I read that right?? You don't have A/C! I don't know how I would deal with the current heat wave/humidity in central VA without A/C. I hope the baby comes soon for your sake. My due date is today, but no baby in sight.

    1. It's actually pretty common here in the Chicagoland region. It's rarely in the 90s here, but this week it's getting hot, then evening t-storms, then down in the 60s, then starts all over again. Maybe this next batch of storms will shift the unborn...

    2. What?! I'm thinking you live in a part of Chicagoland I've never been to because everyone I know up there has A/C - at least window units! Do you live in a town called Crazy? ;)

      Humidity - it's the worst.

      Also, that boy! Praying for you! Love it!

    3. We have window units. But these houses built in the 1920 that have radiators have no duct work for central air, and we've never had the tens of thousands of dollars laying around to put it in. When I first met Patrick at UD, I though he must be "dirt poor" because I knew no one in St. Louis who didn't have central air. Our local high school did a referendum a few years ago to add air conditioning to the third floor. Mary Kate of doesn't have central air, and neither do my neighbors and lots of my in-laws. Personally, I hate window units. They are ugly and loud and I accidentally dropped one out the window this week. There went $180. oops. Just glad it wasn't on the side of the house with the cars!

    4. Uh, please forgive all the typos. No caffeine yet.

  6. Glad to hear (read) that despite a stubborn baby you are doing well.

    BTW in case Jill is curious about more real princesses; the King of Belgium has two daughters and the King of Holland has three.

    1. Wonderful! I think I'll start a pinterest board of real princesses!

  7. I always go WAAAYYY past my "due" date. It's miserable in the summer. Baby has to come out eventually, right? Prayers that it's soon!

  8. Okay, I'm in a similar boat -- #5 due this past Monday, and only #1 was ever late, so...WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I SUPPOSED TO BE DOING? I'm making stuff like sunscreen and toothpaste (yes - making!) and beef broth and lists of other random things I could be doing...I, too, thought a baby for Father's Day would be a good gift. And it would have! But there you are. I keep hoping that the phone calls coming in will be to tell me I'm in labor. : ) But, no, they're from Nat'l Gun Rights. Or people asking if I've had the baby yet. Really? You don't think I'd tell you? Okay. Now back to patiently waiting as a good example for my children. I'm successful an astonishingly small percentage of the time.

    1. Haha, I can totally relate to expecting phone calls - and e-mails - to tell me I'm in labour! :-D

    2. I'm betting Monica above delivers before me. I'm not making anything. Not cleaning. Not cooking. Thinking about laundry because we are out of towels, but there is zero nesting going on here. I think it's because it's too hot.


Friday, June 20, 2014

7QT: Still Pregnant.

1.  Forget Anna and Elsa.  Jill is only interested in Leonor and Sofia.  She's been asking repeatedly who the Real princesses are, and I was finally able to deliver some names and images besides Princess Kate.

They are lovely little girls, and they have silver shoes just like Jill's.

Also, they are Catholic.

2.  Father's Day was super lame around here.  I thought I'd have somethingone for Patrick for the big day, but it he/she has not arrived as of yet.  

I keep checking my email for tracking info, checking those baby apps hoping to see "Today you will have your baby." but nope.  Nada.

Patrick spent most of Fathers' Day re-creating our Korean Barbecue experience. Food is his recreation and his love language. 

These are Korean dumplings and the traditional 12 side dishes at the authentic restaurant we went to when our kids were out-of-town.  We don't know what most of those dishes are, and neither did our server.

His Father's Day gift to himself.  Omelet thingies here ^.
He made the Galbi beef short ribs, sauteed bok choy, pickled kimchi cabbage, Asian cucumber slaw, and those little omelet roll ups with the green onions served room temp.  Those omelet bites are incredible with a little soy/chili sauce mixture drizzled on them.  Everything was scrumptious.  Even Jill cleaned her plate, eating mostly omelet bites and beef.

Korean beers and water.  I'm pretty sure the water is Gangnam Style.
Some of the credit for that feast goes to Micaela for inspiring me to seek out the mysterious flavors of Korean cuisine.  Go check out her series of interviews with homeschoolers, including one with yours truly.

3.  Run out of summer fun yet?  Multiple rainy days in your part of the world?  

Enter the giveaway for hundreds of pages of Childrens' Activities here.  Also, check out some of the links for free downloads of dot-to-dots, coloring pages, mazes, and more!


Yesterday, I got a package from my sweet sister-in-law, Adaire.  A care package! With chocolate, and lip balm, and hair ties, and jewelry, and the cutest mug you ever saw!  The hair ties and lip balm are going straight in my birth center go bag, should I ever need to actually go there and birth someone.  The chocolate might not be with us very much longer.

The whole kit and kaboodle was adorably packaged.  You really made my day, Adaire. The package and the prayers.  Thank you!

Go check out Ruthiebox, and send someone some love in a care package.

5.  Speaking of surprises and prayers, sometimes you find things where you least expect them.

My kids know their phones are subject to random checks.  Technically, their phones are our phones, since we pay for them.  

Earlier this week I found someone's phone surreptitiously peeking out from under a sofa cushion and decided to take a peek at what she's been up to.

She had been texting a male acquaintance the usual, "hey"  "what's up" stuff.  He asked if she was going on the upcoming group trip to a theme park this weekend. She replied, "Idk.  My mom is due any day."

His response, "Oh, that's right. I've been praying for her."

Some kid who likes my daughter is praying for me?  



6 & 7.   How to Cope with Being 40 weeks Pregnant at the End of June when Temps are in the 90s and You Don't Have Central Air Conditioning

Aside from window units, box fans, ceiling fans, and plenty of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea (iced), I rely on two very important products.

This is Culver's Lemon Ice.  Culver's Lemon Ice is my very best friend.  One scoop is 100 calories and zero fat.  For $1.99, I can face another day.  Cue One Day More theme music...

This is Dr. Teal's Lavender Epsom Salt Soaking Solution.  I put about a cup or more in my bath before bedtime and I not only watch my cankles disappear, but I can sleep comfortably until the birds start chirping at the buttcrack of dawn. The 4 to 40 bathroom trips don't even phase me.  Grace told me about this magic brew, but my midwives recommend it too.

That wraps up another whiny week with Jessica.  Go see Kathryn for people with better quick takes and better attitudes.  Do I dare to hope that I'll be in a better mood next week with better news?


  1. Can I join in the grump? Same situation over here, except it's my first and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF!!!!!! I knitted all the booties, cleaned all the corners, folded and re-folded all the things, WHEN IS HE COMING??????
    Thank you. I will now take my bad attitude elsewhere.

  2. I do hope that you get some consolation in your current pregnancy discomfort, but I for one am selfishly thankful you're still here to blog, because REAL PRINCESSES!?!?!?! Second Shift of Kid (4yo) just asked me about real princesses, and I too was stuck at Kate. You have done me a huge service, and I hope my prayers do something for you & 6.0.

  3. FYI - Epsom salts are magnesium and magnesium is what they give moms to STOP labor. If you've reached your due date I'd think about taking warm baths withOUT the Epsom salts!

  4. #5! Oh my! That made me smile big smiles. He sounds like a nice guy!

    And that Ruthiebox? What a great idea!!!

    Hoping your little package arrives today!

  5. Did I read that right?? You don't have A/C! I don't know how I would deal with the current heat wave/humidity in central VA without A/C. I hope the baby comes soon for your sake. My due date is today, but no baby in sight.

    1. It's actually pretty common here in the Chicagoland region. It's rarely in the 90s here, but this week it's getting hot, then evening t-storms, then down in the 60s, then starts all over again. Maybe this next batch of storms will shift the unborn...

    2. What?! I'm thinking you live in a part of Chicagoland I've never been to because everyone I know up there has A/C - at least window units! Do you live in a town called Crazy? ;)

      Humidity - it's the worst.

      Also, that boy! Praying for you! Love it!

    3. We have window units. But these houses built in the 1920 that have radiators have no duct work for central air, and we've never had the tens of thousands of dollars laying around to put it in. When I first met Patrick at UD, I though he must be "dirt poor" because I knew no one in St. Louis who didn't have central air. Our local high school did a referendum a few years ago to add air conditioning to the third floor. Mary Kate of doesn't have central air, and neither do my neighbors and lots of my in-laws. Personally, I hate window units. They are ugly and loud and I accidentally dropped one out the window this week. There went $180. oops. Just glad it wasn't on the side of the house with the cars!

    4. Uh, please forgive all the typos. No caffeine yet.

  6. Glad to hear (read) that despite a stubborn baby you are doing well.

    BTW in case Jill is curious about more real princesses; the King of Belgium has two daughters and the King of Holland has three.

    1. Wonderful! I think I'll start a pinterest board of real princesses!

  7. I always go WAAAYYY past my "due" date. It's miserable in the summer. Baby has to come out eventually, right? Prayers that it's soon!

  8. Okay, I'm in a similar boat -- #5 due this past Monday, and only #1 was ever late, so...WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I SUPPOSED TO BE DOING? I'm making stuff like sunscreen and toothpaste (yes - making!) and beef broth and lists of other random things I could be doing...I, too, thought a baby for Father's Day would be a good gift. And it would have! But there you are. I keep hoping that the phone calls coming in will be to tell me I'm in labor. : ) But, no, they're from Nat'l Gun Rights. Or people asking if I've had the baby yet. Really? You don't think I'd tell you? Okay. Now back to patiently waiting as a good example for my children. I'm successful an astonishingly small percentage of the time.

    1. Haha, I can totally relate to expecting phone calls - and e-mails - to tell me I'm in labour! :-D

    2. I'm betting Monica above delivers before me. I'm not making anything. Not cleaning. Not cooking. Thinking about laundry because we are out of towels, but there is zero nesting going on here. I think it's because it's too hot.
