Monday, June 23, 2014

Giveaway Winners and Due Date Predicting Losers

Congratulations to MOB, Lauren, and Joy who won the Children's Activities Bundles!  I sent each of you links and access codes.  Please let me know if you have any problems with the downloads.

To all those who guessed I would have had this baby by now, I really really wanted each and everyone of you to win.

To all those who guessed I would deliver late for the first time ever, you're still in the running for Most Clairvoyant Baby Predictor.

Those people include:

Colleen 6/26
Kathryn (who didn't choose an exact date, just guessed late)
Catherine 6/24
Charlotte 6/24
Isabel who guessed one day over, so if she is to win, I must deliver before midnight tonight.

Now, I get to annoy everybody around me by saying, "This is the most pregnant I've ever been."


  1. Bring your belly over here so I can whisper…June 24th and 25th are exactly 6 months away from Christmas! That means presents at regularly scheduled intervals! Whoo hoo!

  2. I didn't really want to be right on this one! :)

  3. Well we'll be praying for you and thinking of you. :)


Monday, June 23, 2014

Giveaway Winners and Due Date Predicting Losers

Congratulations to MOB, Lauren, and Joy who won the Children's Activities Bundles!  I sent each of you links and access codes.  Please let me know if you have any problems with the downloads.

To all those who guessed I would have had this baby by now, I really really wanted each and everyone of you to win.

To all those who guessed I would deliver late for the first time ever, you're still in the running for Most Clairvoyant Baby Predictor.

Those people include:

Colleen 6/26
Kathryn (who didn't choose an exact date, just guessed late)
Catherine 6/24
Charlotte 6/24
Isabel who guessed one day over, so if she is to win, I must deliver before midnight tonight.

Now, I get to annoy everybody around me by saying, "This is the most pregnant I've ever been."


  1. Bring your belly over here so I can whisper…June 24th and 25th are exactly 6 months away from Christmas! That means presents at regularly scheduled intervals! Whoo hoo!

  2. I didn't really want to be right on this one! :)

  3. Well we'll be praying for you and thinking of you. :)
