Thursday, January 2, 2014

Theme Thursday: Ridiculous

This is Patrick after spending 90 minutes of snowblowing this:

It's like snow-blowing a driveway that is 10 feet wide and 350 feet long.  Then he did our sidewalks and our driveway which is 80 feet long.  He 'da man.  I hope all of those rascally teens coming over to skate tonight appreciate his hard work.

Thanks, Cari, for hosting this, for explaining "tilt-shift" to me so I can have the miniature train land effect like the cool peeps, and for introducing me to so I can more easily harvest my Instagram photos for the blog.

I see a lot more Theme Thursday participation in my 2014, 'specially if the themes are super easy like "ridiculous" or "nonsense" because I have those in abundance.


  1. I want to come live at your house - that rink is awesome. My daughter would be in heaven!! (You'd think, living in a bog, it wouldn't be too difficult. But alas, that is not the case. Especially as our temps have been above freezing and we've had rain for days!)

  2. Tell Patrick that his beard is coming in nicely!

  3. Wait. Is than ICE RINK? In your BACK YARD?

    That sound you just heard was me booking the soonest flight to your front door!!

  4. Maybe Cari could explain it to ALL of us because I just spent HOURS trying to figure tilt-shift out. Sheesh. I hate Photoshop.

    Enough about me. Both of those photos are awesome.

  5. My husband and daughter are enamored of the ice rink idea...I pretty much avoid all interactions below 35 degrees :)


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Theme Thursday: Ridiculous

This is Patrick after spending 90 minutes of snowblowing this:

It's like snow-blowing a driveway that is 10 feet wide and 350 feet long.  Then he did our sidewalks and our driveway which is 80 feet long.  He 'da man.  I hope all of those rascally teens coming over to skate tonight appreciate his hard work.

Thanks, Cari, for hosting this, for explaining "tilt-shift" to me so I can have the miniature train land effect like the cool peeps, and for introducing me to so I can more easily harvest my Instagram photos for the blog.

I see a lot more Theme Thursday participation in my 2014, 'specially if the themes are super easy like "ridiculous" or "nonsense" because I have those in abundance.


  1. I want to come live at your house - that rink is awesome. My daughter would be in heaven!! (You'd think, living in a bog, it wouldn't be too difficult. But alas, that is not the case. Especially as our temps have been above freezing and we've had rain for days!)

  2. Tell Patrick that his beard is coming in nicely!

  3. Wait. Is than ICE RINK? In your BACK YARD?

    That sound you just heard was me booking the soonest flight to your front door!!

  4. Maybe Cari could explain it to ALL of us because I just spent HOURS trying to figure tilt-shift out. Sheesh. I hate Photoshop.

    Enough about me. Both of those photos are awesome.

  5. My husband and daughter are enamored of the ice rink idea...I pretty much avoid all interactions below 35 degrees :)
